
Choice Mindsets

Choice Mindsets

Wes Goubeaux: “So… is Kyle cold?”


With Christmas just around the corner and the weather turning colder, sometimes we need to get creative to stay focused and warm. Kyle Siegrist decided the best way to concentrate AND keep warm was to put his jacket on his head. (And yes, this would be the same jacket that Kyle’s son Gideon “found” again and again.)

We promise the heat is on here, but “warm” is relative. While Kyle might be cold, others are too warm. So we all compromise, and Kyle compromises by not only throwing on a jacket but using the same jacket to focus on his work. Others here have battled the cold with “work mittens” or coats in July, while some have beaten the heat by “sharing” the AC and strategically placed fans. And we can’t forget the practical Megan and her method of keeping her feet dry. Bags on feet = jacket on head, right?

Perhaps Kyle is starting a cold weather Choice One Christmas trend with a jacket on his head. Who knows what other “innovative” solutions we might come up with next… Stay tuned—next Christmas, we might all be sporting the latest in unconventional winter fashion. Because if there’s one thing Choice One excels at, it’s making the uncommon a little more in style.

Jacqui Kunzi: “We couldn’t have a chili cookoff without cheese coneys!”

While passion around Choice One for Skyline Chili is hit or miss, our annual, companywide Choice One Chili Cookoff gave the folks in the Loveland office an opportunity to add a Skyline tradition of cheese coneys to their taste-testing. Because, of course, what’s chili without a side of hot dog smothered in cheese?

As the competition heated up, the day was filled with the delightful aroma of simmering chili and the sound of people pretending to enjoy each other’s cooking. But let’s be real: who needs a well-crafted chili when you can drown it in cheese and oyster crackers?

Nothing says “gourmet cookoff” quite like a hot dog. So, as we enjoy this Thanksgiving Day weekend, let’s raise a coney to good food, great company, and too much cheese. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Becky Puthoff: “I’m looking forward to finding out which Puthoff is the best employee!”

While administrative professional Abbey Swick is on maternity leave, we called in some backup to help out. So the next time you call in, you may be greeted by Becky Puthoff (left) or Amanda Hoying (right). Considering we already have a couple of Puthoffs around the office, Becky’s idea of finding out which Puthoff employee is the best is the kind of office competition we can all get behind.

Becky, we have no doubt that you will be the best Puthoff employee. Justin has his hands full with his movie star aspirations, and Jeff is busy trying to keep up with at least two of the other three Jeffs, so we’re all assuming that you will shine. And let’s face it, even the office plants are silently rooting for you, too—they appreciate any help with their watering schedule.

The next time you call, don’t hesitate to say hello and welcome Becky and Amanda. We’re grateful for their support—here’s to a team effort during Abbey’s leave. And remember, Becky, the competition for the best Puthoff is fierce, but we’re pretty sure all but two of us are cheering for you!

Kaye Borchers: “Next year we’re going to have to have a cardboard cutout of Craig Eley at our booth so he has time for everyone.”

Booth Group Photo, l-r: Brittany Clinehens, Michael Goettemoeller,
Nick Selhorst, Adam Gill, Derek Luersman, Troy Niese, and Casey Reichert.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! No, not Christmas, summer, or even Roundabout Week. It’s time for the Ohio Transportation Engineer’s Conference (OTEC)! And guess what else that means? Traffic Engineer Craig Eley becomes Celebrity Traffic Engineer Craig Eley. Indeed, per the group photo, we assume Craig was so busy posing for selfies with adoring fans that he couldn’t even make it to Choice One’s booth—hence the need for a cardboard stand in.

We understand, Craig, as many of us at Choice One have had our brush with fame. For instance, Dan Perreira has likely received fan mail in response to the mailer featuring his photo (well, at least coworker Eric Kuck sent a postcard once…). We know what a media circus is like—we have clown cars! And Craig Eley isn’t the only Craig signing autographs; surveyor Craig Frilling has been perfecting his signature for years.

Craig Eley eventually navigated through the throngs of rabid OTEC fans to join the rest of the crew for dinner (and graced the group with a selfie**, of course!). Thanks, Craig, for reminding us all that fame is fleeting, but traffic engineering is forever.

Selfie! l-r Craig Eley, Casey Reichert, Allan Heitbrink, Troy Neise,
Adam Gill, Michael Goettemoeller, and Derek Luersman.

Jake Cordonnier: “Aaron misses Dan so much today, he had to Facetime him.”

In our world of field surveyors and the in-office surveyors who support them, sometimes it just helps to show the person in the field what you’re seeing on the screen. For field surveyor Dan Perreira, that meant answering a Facetime call from survey coordinator Aaron Plas, all while battling nature during the survey a brushy field for a future subdivision.

Our famous field surveyors often perform in scenarios straight out of action movies, where the hero must concentrate on the ultimate mission while fending off some kind of adversary. In Dan’s case, this meant dodging honeysuckle, wiping sweat from his eyes, and avoiding angry insects, all while trying to comprehend the point Aaron was trying to make over a video call. True to his action hero tendencies, Dan was probably thinking, “If I don’t make it out of this field, at least I’ll go down doing what I love: discussing subdivisions with Aaron…”

At Choice One, where teamwork sometimes means navigating both AutoCAD and gnat swarms, it’s good to know that face-to-face connections are still worth the risk. Indeed, nothing says “collaboration” like a video call to a coworker entangled in a thorn-infested wilderness. So keep calling Dan daily, Aaron. Whether it helps you miss Dan less or not, it’ll definitely keep Dan from getting too carried away in that “nature” he clearly loves so much.

Gideon Siegrist: “Dad! I found your coat!”

Last week, Kyle Siegrist’s son Gideon (pictured with little sister Elodie) visited the Choice One office and assumed that every green jacket he saw on the back of a desk chair was his dad’s. With enthusiasm, he pointed out, “Dad, I found your coat!” repeatedly. Perhaps this proves that “misplacing” things happens frequently for Kyle in the Siegrist household?

At Choice One, our daily dress code is simple: wear a Choice One logoed green shirt. But for Gideon, every green jacket sighting is another chance to lend a hand to his dad. And since we work in a veritable “COE-Sea” of green, it probably took Kyle and Gideon quite a while to travel across the office with all the pointing and excitement over finding so many “lost” jackets.

Despite our monochromatic wardrobe, however, it’s our company culture that truly adds color to our workplace—even our office plants flourish on the fun! Thanks Gideon, for reminding us that while we may wear green every day, it’s the fun and connections that really keep us vibrant!