21 Oct Holding Down the Fort
Kaye Borchers:
“Why would you not drink coffee? These are the deep questions of life, Matt.”

If you know Choice One’s Matt Hoying and you think he’s a decent guy, your mind is about to be changed. He doesn’t like coffee. And not only does he not personally like coffee, he doesn’t even try to understand the deep love some of us have for hot bean water. And yet… and yet, behold the glorious coffee order received recently at Choice One’s Sidney office, beautifully built into a breakfast-blend box fort as modeled by Brittany Clinehens.
The Choice One relationship with coffee (despite Matt’s best efforts) has strengthened mightily over the years. From the introduction of afternoon coffee by Nick Selhorst (why it took us so long we’re not sure) to the eventual installation of a direct water feed coffee system (and Tony’s delightful frustration during said installation), most of us at Choice One enjoy a cup or six of coffee each day. Indeed, Nick Selhorst can’t even talk without it.
Sorry Matt, you can’t deny that Choice One is largely fueled by coffee. We love our cups of joe and will physically build fortifications to defend its existence and influence on our work. When you’re ready to come over to the dark [roast] side, the rest of us will welcome you with cappuccin-open arms.