
Choice Mindsets

Choice Mindsets

Paul Coors, Ryan Homes:
“Choice One sponsored horse?”


We have to admit, the horse our friend Paul spotted at Keeneland Raceway sure does look to be branded by Choice One. Alas, we are not in the horse-racing business. But if we were, we’d have to somehow buy the rights to this jockey’s silks.


The owner of this horse was probably hoping for a sure bet when he put something darn close to the Choice One logo on his mount. But this horse, named Voodoo Loa, didn’t win—she was a 30-1 longshot that came in dead last—making her and her jockey possibly the only thing that doesn’t get more awesome dressed in purple and green. Guess the Choice One logo empowers engineers, surveyors, and landscape architects and not thoroughbreds.


We appreciate that you see purple and green and think Choice One, Paul. The folks at Choice One are generally pretty sporty, so associating purple and green with a race winner seems like a sure bet. This time, however, the speed of purple and green was a little more Jeff Puthoff than Mitch Thobe.

Casey Reichert:
“Um, I think I’m getting a sunburn.”


As we move out of Daylight Saving Time and things just feel… darker, we’ve tried to infuse some extra brightness into the Choice One office. No, we haven’t put on fluorescent spandex again (thankfully!), we removed the diffusing panels from some light fixtures. Apparently the initial shock of the fresh lighting was just a little too much for Casey.


We try to keep our offices “light” in many ways. In addition to adding brighter bulbs, we make embarrassing videos, laugh at each other’s harmless mistakes (until the Governor calls), and jab each other endlessly… and publicly. And while it’s ALWAYS dark when Jeff Puthoff shows up at the office at 5:00am, we’ll keep flipping on the lights, cranking out some engineering design, and saying enough ridiculous things to make each other (and you) chuckle from time to time.


Hope this Mindset has made your Friday brighter. Not painfully brighter (like Casey), but brighter nonetheless!

Nick Selhorst:
“Buckets are here!”

Our Loveland Choice One Charity Cup is back, and Nick Selhorst couldn’t be more excited! He also couldn’t be more efficient, as he clearly didn’t want to make more than one trip to his car to haul in all the buckets needed to play our annual Charity Cup Bucketball Tournament.


The only thing more impressive than Nick’s giant stack of buckets? The generosity of our clients and friends, who donated over $19,450 to Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank. Wow! We can’t even think of words to describe our appreciation except THANK YOU! We continue to be blown away by the support and kindness of our friends who support this great cause. (And “blown away” is better than “blown over” in Nick’s bucket-carrying case, for sure!)


Believe it or not, despite Nick’s typical clumsiness, no buckets were dropped in the making of this Mindset. Nick’s luck did run out, however. The winner of the 2021 Loveland Charity Cup was not Nick’s team, but rather the team from CTL Engineering (l-r Dave Rowland, Doug Batt, COEC’s Jacqui Lohman, and Billy Tegge). Congrats to CTL and thanks again to all who participated!

Kaye Borchers:
“Why would you not drink coffee? These are the deep questions of life, Matt.”

If you know Choice One’s Matt Hoying and you think he’s a decent guy, your mind is about to be changed. He doesn’t like coffee. And not only does he not personally like coffee, he doesn’t even try to understand the deep love some of us have for hot bean water. And yet… and yet, behold the glorious coffee order received recently at Choice One’s Sidney office, beautifully built into a breakfast-blend box fort as modeled by Brittany Clinehens.


The Choice One relationship with coffee (despite Matt’s best efforts) has strengthened mightily over the years. From the introduction of afternoon coffee by Nick Selhorst (why it took us so long we’re not sure) to the eventual installation of a direct water feed coffee system (and Tony’s delightful frustration during said installation), most of us at Choice One enjoy a cup or six of coffee each day. Indeed, Nick Selhorst can’t even talk without it.


Sorry Matt, you can’t deny that Choice One is largely fueled by coffee. We love our cups of joe and will physically build fortifications to defend its existence and influence on our work. When you’re ready to come over to the dark [roast] side, the rest of us will welcome you with cappuccin-open arms.

Friendly Festival Guy:
“Yeah, I’ve met your friends. I was the top of their pyramid. Want me to be the top of your group’s pyramid too?”


A few weekends back, the Choice One crew loaded up a couple of buses and hung out in Pittsburgh for the weekend. Part of the weekend included a photo scavenger hunt that resulted in lots of entertaining photos, as you might guess. We made such an impression on the people of Pittsburgh, apparently, that one gentleman offered to be at the top of TWO of our groups’ human pyramids.


The list of scavenger hunt items was most interesting. In addition to a human pyramid, we looked for roadkill, a green house (naturally), a green car (obviously), Christmas decorations, and, of course, a roundabout (which no one could find, by the way… it was an engineering tragedy). We posed with strangers who had the same first names as us, recreated the Beatles Abbey Road cover, and tried our best to pronounce “Monongahela.”


If you haven’t guessed yet, we try to spread fun wherever we go. And based on our new friend’s willingness to participate, it appears we succeeded. Enjoy a few more photos of our fun below!

Brian Schmidt:
“My eye doctor is an advertiser for us. He kept flipping lenses saying ‘Choice One or Choice Two?'”

We notice a green shirt across the room at a conference, and we automatically think it’s a coworker. We hear someone talk about their “first choice” in a situation, and we know they’ve used the wrong phrase to indicate the best selection. We are given two options during an eye exam, and we know which choice is the right choice, even if it leads to ineffective prescription eyewear.


We just can’t help ourselves. When we spend each day wearing green, surrounded by green, living the Choice One mindset (pun intended), it just happens. Don’t worry about our mental states–we promise we’re not brainwashed!