Window of Opportunity

Window of Opportunity

Eric Kuck:
“Ah, so you’re sending us out into a ‘Kunk Window’?”

The weather is always a concern for our field survey crews. Not only do they find themselves randomly in rivers and [someday] hopefully in a helicopter, they also find themselves out in run-of-the-mill elements, like rain. And since surveying in the rain is not ideal, watching the weather radar becomes an important exercise in guesswork.

Many moons ago, Jeff Kunk scheduled the survey crews and was notorious for sending them out if there was even the slightest potential break in a storm shown on the radar. While this resulted in keeping a project moving, it also often resulted in wet, grumpy surveyors. Hence Eric’s reference during a recent rainy day to a “Kunk Window,” which may or may not provide enough time to get a few topo shots/grade stakes set in while dodging raindrops.

“Kunk Window” joins a couple other favorite Choice One phrases like “Schmidty’d All Over” and “free lunch.” And really, all of these phrases speak to a couple of Choice One’s priorities: our core values, like timeliness, and our stomachs—which also appreciate timeliness, whether in rain, shine, or just a Kunk Window.