
Choice Mindsets

Choice Mindsets

Andy Shuman: “Who would have thought it would be almost too cold in June for ice cream?”

Like Brian Schmidt and chocolate chunk cookies, ice cream and summer just go together—there’s nothing like a double scoop on a hot June day. But this past Monday it was a bit chillier than we would have expected as we enjoyed some celebratory ice cream outside our offices.

The festive occasion was an exciting one: Choice One was named a top five Best Firm to Work for in the nation by the Zweig Group for the 11th year in a row, and in typical engineer/surveyor/landscape architect fashion, we celebrated with fun food and high fives and then eagerly got back to work—so much to do! June is prime design and construction time (not to mention vacation time!), which means we like to keep busy with some of our favorite types of designs: roundabouts, sanitary sewers, and arm pits… er, renderings and concepts.

Regardless of the weather, ice cream is always a welcome reward at Choice One–note that Andy said almost too cold. To be sure, if there’s something tasty to enjoy, neither weather, nor too much refrigerator clutter, nor filing cabinets are going to stop us. Here’s to many more years of sweet success!

Inquiring Mindsets:
What are you looking forward to this summer?

Summer is upon us, and we at Choice One couldn’t be happier. Sure, we have summer vacations planned, but we’re REALLY excited that it’s full-on construction season, blazing hot field survey season, and, of course “winter” for Mike G. Still, besides all that, what else are Choice Oners looking forward to most this summer?

Jacqueline Huelskamp, Landscape Architect “Hanging out by the river, whether it’s by kayak, ATV, or side-by-side.” Jacqueline, did you ever think of hanging out IN the river?
Hannah Dapore, People & Culture Leader Waaaait a second Hannah, aren’t you really looking forward to switching from hot lattes to iced lattes?
Brad Walterbusch, Traffic and Lighting Engineer “I am looking forward to taking my girls to the splash pad and park until they are tired of it, which will require a surplus of coffee.” Don’t worry, Brad, Choice One has your coffee covered!
Megan Bornhorst, Administrative Professional “Relaxing by water.” Check with our resident water model, Jake Bertke, Megan—he may have a destination to recommend!


Mitch Thobe: ”Many kids dress up for Halloween as what they want to be when they grow up–some Batman, some an NFL football player. Justin had it figured out very early.”

Eight years after the Halloween “costume” photo on the left, Justin’s goal of working for Choice One Engineering has come true—last week he was hired full-time as a civil engineer after graduating from Ohio State.

Although he’s only been a full-time employee for a couple of weeks, Justin was featured in Choice Mindsets several times as a co-op. Indeed, he’s sweated it out thanks to Dan Perriera’s stingy management of air conditioning. And he made his acting debut in The Choice One Team video last summer as “Excited Property Owner” and “Field Surveyor with Machete #2.” A double billing!

Justin, the sky’s the limit here at Choice One for you—you’ll probably be controlling the A/C and winning an Oscar before too long. Just remember the three “Ds” of new Choice One employees: Develop great projects, Dress in green always, and, of course, Doughnuts for all after your first paycheck.

Link Thobe: “Daddy, I want to see the water drain!”

Link is the 2-year-old son of one of Choice One’s stormwater engineer Tyler Thobe and wife Brittany. While out and about near his home with his parents (who were watching for traffic), Link couldn’t help but check out the catch basin structure along the street. And we agree–stormwater is interesting, Link!

It’s hard not to let our engineering, surveying, and landscape architecture passions rub off on our families and friends. Despite the fact that his kids are all adults now, designer Brian Barhorst is still probably dragging his family past Choice One roadway projects all over Ohio. Jeff Puthoff’s  “dress like dad for Halloween” sons are both studying to be engineers like dad (and Justin starts full-time at Choice One next week!). And although he hasn’t been hired as a surveyor yet, surveyor Eric Kuck’s son Owen, now 8 years old, probably fits into his dad’s Choice One shirt a little better now than he did at age 2.

We hope you inspire more kids get into stormwater management, Link. Who doesn’t like to splash in puddles, run in the rain, review times of concentration, and calculate composite runoff coefficients? Keep checking out those catch basins, too—we appreciate your enthusiasm toward flow rates and invert elevations!

Matt Lefeld: “I just want to note that I had nothing to do with this!”

A likely story, Matt Lefeld. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time? Sounds like a Ryan Francis excuse.

Administrative professional Abbey Swick, on the left, may be fairly new to Choice One, but it doesn’t take long to want to keep another Matt—pesky president Matt Hoying—out of her hair by rigging the door to his office shut with a length of rope. What Abbey didn’t account for, though, was Matt Hoying’s craftiness: he climbed out of his office window to spoil Abbey’s prank. That Matt Lefeld just “happened” to be in the vicinity? A likely story, indeed.

Whether Matt Lefeld was accidentally caught in the crossfire or lent Abbey his knowledge on knots, one thing is for sure: when there is a Choice One Matt in the vicinity, there will be smiles (indeed, surveyor Matt West even draws smiles from random canine helpers)! Smiling or not, don’t stop aggravating those Matts for us, Abbey. Thanks for tying… er, trying!

Barry Tiffany, Sugarcreek Township: “Looks like we dodged having Kyle on our team.”

We’re not sure if this is the EXACT moment Barry [far right, above] spoke the quote, but based on Choice One designer Kyle Siegrist’s antics, we would guess it might be close to the exact moment. We’ll go easy on Kyle, though, since last week Choice One held its annual Sidney Charity Cup (with a Price is Right theme), and Kyle willingly demonstrated how to “Come on down!” while throwing a tennis ball.

No matter the bucketball play by Kyle or anyone else, the night was a success: our generous clients and friends donated a total of $7,500 to benefit two organizations: the Logan County United Way (for Tornado Relief) and the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association. With their funds, the MVDSA will once again be able to hold their summer picnic at Young’s Jersey Dairy, treating member families to games, tours, and ice cream. We couldn’t have been more excited had we won both Showcase Showdowns!

Throughout the Charity Cup night, PLINKO chips were tossed, participants asked the audience for help, [toy] cars were given away, and CTL Engineering emerged as the 2024 Bucketball Champion. But the real winners of the night were all those who came and supported the MVDSA and Logan County with such generous donations. THANK YOU to our friends and clients—and don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets!

Watch the video of all the action here!

Congrats to the 2024 Charity Cup Winners CTL Engineering!
(l-r) Choice One’s Mike Francis, Kevin Reichert, Ollie Alldritt, and Terry Muhlenkamp