
Choice Mindsets

Choice Mindsets

Choice One Zoom Chat conversation:


t probably comes as no surprise that many of us Choice Oners are missing sports these days. Between the Browns fans, the anti-Browns fans, the baseball fans, and the anti-baseball fans, a good majority of us follow professional and college sports. But with the cancellation of the Men’s NCAA basketball tournament, another of our favorite pastimes is gone: friendly wagers on bracket pools.


This year, then, we have put together a “Fast Food Bracket Challenge*” pitting some of our favorite local and national eateries against each other to not only make friendly wagers, but to resolve a few things once and for all. For instance: is Hothead Burritos better than Chipotle? According to our picks, the answer is “no.” Is Skyline Chili really the best thing ever (most likely also due to the apparent importance of cheese)? Spoiler alert: IT’S NOT, and we can prove it with the brackets now guys. Give it a rest!


Whoever wins, it’s really not a victory. We all know the pool winning individual is going to have to buy lunch for everyone from the winning restaurant once we’re all back in the office. Will it be Chick-Fil-A or Raising Cane’s? Al’s Pizza (local to Sidney) or Papa Johns? To be honest, it won’t really matter: the real win will be just being back in the office together!


*Disclaimer: Not a Choice One original idea. Totally stole it from the internet. Want to run a tournament of your own? Download our bracket (which we modified to include restaurants specific to west-central Ohio) here.

Jake Cordonnier:
“The strangest thing I’ve watched while home? The European Tram Driving Championships. Belgium won in a nail-biter.”

We couldn’t let the current remote working environment pass by without commenting in a Choice Mindset. So here are a few of our collective favorite and least favorite parts about working from home.

The best parts of working from home:

  • Sweatpants!
  • I get to turn up the heat so I can actually feel my fingers and not get yelled at by Brian Barhorst (until my dad gets home and yells at me). I guess that makes Brian my work dad…
  • No Cincinnati traffic and being 13 steps from my family all day…


The worst parts of working from home:

  • …being 13 steps from my family all day.
  • My new coworkers argue and fight MUCH more, although my new coworkers only cry SLIGHTLY more than my Choice One coworkers.
  • I had to re-paint the inside of my house green just to get in the spirit of it.


What do you miss most about the office?

  • Dane complaining when John Denver is played over the office sound system every single morning between 8:34 and 8:37am.
  • No pop-a-shot game of P-I-G during lunch.
  • Free Flaming Hot Cheetos and Funyuns from The Canteen. Oh, and my coworkers.


Yeah, we kinda miss each other. So much so that you’ll notice that we’re all wearing green in the online, Brady Bunch-esc meeting above and NOBODY TOLD US TO. We just do that. We can’t help ourselves!

Stay safe and healthy all!

Megan Bornhorst:
“It’s no surprise that Skyline has recognized the power of green.”
Sure, you say, the “Green Way” is Skyline Chili’s marketing strategy for St. Patrick’s Day. But we would speculate that this Loveland-area Skyline location maaaaaaybe created the “Green Way” in honor of their favorite table of green-clad regulars. (That’s engineer Michael Seeger in the photo.)
That’s right, as St. Patrick Day approaches next week, your favorite green-wearing engineers now get to delight for a couple of days in all things flavored, colored, and naturally green: McDonald’s Shamrock Shakes, dramatic readings (and eatings) of Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham, and green beer. And while most people celebrate any smidgen of Irish heritage on this greenest of holidays, you know we’ll be celebrating our Choice One-ality. We suggest you keep an eye on our social media to see how! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Kyle Siegrist, Gameshow Host:
“Which employee’s spouse is cooler than the employee?”
Yep, this is proof that there’s just one person cooler than Kaye in this world, and it’s her husband. And based on the number of responses to this Family Feud-style question, the majority of us at Choice One agree to this clear and definite fact.
Last Saturday the Choice One gang gathered for our annual game night, where we play a ridiculous game, eat some hot wings, and hang out. This year our energetic host Kyle (whose wife Jill is unquestionably cooler than him) surveyed all Choice One employees and spouses/significant others, compiled the answers, and set up an elaborate Family Feud game complete with teams, buzzers, and “friendly” competition. The result was hilariously entertaining, especially considering all of these really cool spouses listed were in attendance.
In response to the ruthless attack pictured in this list, Kaye, Mitch, and Ryan Francis, etc., would all like to bring to their coworkers’ attention that without their wise life choices, said cooler spouses would have never been introduced to the Choice One crew. So in other words, while Amanda Hoying is definitely WAY cooler than Matt Hoying, at least Matt was smart enough to trick Amanda (somehow!) into marrying him. Who’s cooler now?

Erin Harris, City of Beavercreek Parks:
“Do you think the killer whale fits with our tradition being a marine animal and all?”

For the past four years, Kaye has teamed up with Erin from Beavercreek at the annual Ohio Parks and Recreation Association Conference to take a ridiculous (i.e. fabulous) photo compliments of a sponsored photo booth. And really, whatever the rest of this Mindset says doesn’t matter, as we’re pretty sure you’re just going to contemplate the distinctiveness of these photos for the next few minutes rather than read on.

In case you’re still reading and want to try to understand what’s going on here, we have to be honest: neither Kaye nor Erin really remembers the original motivation for the first photo (the kangaroo). All they know is that they can’t NOT take one every year at this point. And while there are many outstanding photo booth backgrounds to choose from each year (like “Running From a Train” or “Standing on a Volcano”), Erin and Kaye have repeatedly chosen “Staring Oddly into Space Straight-faced” while “Riding an Animal” and “While Holding Equine Masks” (except the elephant year when the unicorn was missing and Kaye, sadly, had to hold the pug dog face instead).

No matter the original inspiration of the photos, we’re confident the results of Erin and Kaye’s friendship is definitely… original. Indeed, even the photo booth operator, who takes thousands of photos in this profession, is routinely puzzled each year by these poses. But Kaye and Erin don’t care—they’ll keep taking these photos—and they’re banking on a rhinoceros or manatee to ride in 2021!

Eric Kuck:
“We found this postcard in the binder of hotel information. We HAD to send it.”

It was just an ordinary Thursday afternoon at Choice One , and suddenly, out of the green, a thrilling piece of correspondence arrived via the US Postal Service. Pictured above, for the world to behold, is what we received: a beautiful, handwritten, “wish you were here” postcard from abroad. Ok, from Ontario… Ohio.

Choice One surveyors Eric Kuck, Craig Frilling, and Kole Egbert traveled to Ontario (near Mansfield) for a few days to perform an extensive topographic survey for an upcoming school site design project. Believe it or not, they thought of all of us back here at the office while they were out seeing the world! How generous of them to remember their warm, dry colleagues while they were touring the muddy countryside, staying in a plush Hampton Inn, and eating at exotic restaurants like Red Lobster and Olive Garden. And—the true sensation here—can you believe they had a stamp?!

Eric, Craig, and Kole, we so appreciate you thinking of all of us back at the office while you’re out seeing the world (or at least the sites of Richland County). Thank you for taking time away from home to take care of that survey, too. We hope the mud was only knee deep, the Hampton’s pillows weren’t lumpy, and the unlimited cheddar bay biscuits and breadsticks filled you up!