Sports Talk

Sports Talk

Kyle “Sports” Siegrist (Designer and Sports Analyst for the Sports for Choice One’s Sports):
“My favorite sports player right now would be the lead sporter on the sports team owned by the sports owner who doesn’t play sports.”

While Kyle loves to participate in sports, watching and talking about sports is just not a pastime of his unlike a couple dozen of us at Choice One. Even without live sports and only replays of random events like the European Tram Driving Championships to watch on ESPN, many of our conversations at Choice One still revolve around sports (or the lack thereof), and Kyle recently told us his true feelings about sports talk.

We have initiated a few new pastimes here at Choice One that have filled the gap of typical sports chatter in recent days. We’ve been comparing masks and working out whose face covering is cooler (those with Cleveland Browns masks think they have some kind of leg up here, but we all know who has the best mask). Thanks to our Fast Food Bracket Challenge, we figured out that Raising Cane’s and Chick-Fil-A are our favorite restaurants (even though they don’t rely heavily on cheese). And most recently we’ve been making bets on whether or not Brian Goubeaux will remember to unmute himself on Zoom before he launches into a detailed description of his day in our regular morning meetings.

Kyle, we hope you find at least a little more enjoyment in the mask-comparison dialog or fast food chicken debate than in our endless sports talk. Because even though you told us that you “miss the sports fans sporting the sports and talking the sports” we’re preeeeetty sure you’re being sarcastic. We’ll be sure to get some Skyline Chili talk in when we’re all together again to make you less annoyed and feel more appreciated. Until then feel free to mute everyone (except Brian Goubeaux) when the sports talk takes over the conversation.