
Choice Mindsets

Choice Mindsets

Megan Bornhorst:
“Sammy? That’s A LOT of boxes!”


What’s with all the boxes? Charity Cup, that’s what! And thanks to our clients and friends, we raised over $8,000 for the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association and Ronald McDonald House Charities! THANK YOU!


This year’s event was a virtual trivia contest, and each participating team received a box of snacks, drinks, and Choice One swag in advance of the event to help them celebrate from wherever they logged on. Graphic Designer Sammy Kuck was busy packing up the party (can you find her?), and was a little hard to find among the veritable fortress of boxes. We found her back, don’t worry, and the event went off without a hitch (and without losing anyone). The trivia contest winners? The Village of Fort Loramie–Adam Schmiesing, Abby Bergman, and John Puckett, along with Choice One’s Mitch Thobe!


We couldn’t be more appreciative of the big-heartedness of our clients and friends for donating to such great causes. Each and every year you all blow us away with your generosity to and enthusiasm for the MVDSA and all of the great causes supported by the Charity Cup. Thanks for once again bringing joy to the wonderful people in our community who are so positively impacted by your support. We look forward to seeing you next year!

Matt Hoying:
I just caught Sammy in her “work” mittens.

It’s not that we try to keep it cold at Choice One. It just… happens.


There are benefits to a cold office. First, we keep our field surveyors well-seasoned for work outside in cold weather (although not Alaska cold, Eric, we still don’t get a chopper). Second, it matters less when there isn’t any room in the fridge for our lunches. And third, we get to do extra of one of our favorite things: wearing green (in layers, naturally).


There’s no shame in “work” mittens, Sammy. As our graphic designer, we need you to stay warmed up and ready for anything, like sketching graphics for Choice One promotional stuff and developing cool project renderings. Unfortunately, though, mittens aren’t going to help you with your most daunting task: getting engineers to cooperate on Christmas card photos, music videos, or anything beyond perfect right angles (or the occasional roundabout circle). For that, you may need to trade your mittens in for boxing gloves.

Kyle Siegrist:
“Yes, I do keep a chart of when I stand up and sit down at my adjustable desk.”


Why Kyle keeps track of the number of times he stands at his current adjustable-height desk is a murky, mythical legend at Choice One. There was something about Allen Bertke asking for a stand-up desk and Kyle nobly relinquishing his stand-up desk to Allen in an act of tremendous generosity. Then Allen “allegedly” never using the stand-up feature and Kyle becoming bitter and something, something, something…

Kyle’s stand-up/sit-down log shouldn’t be a surprise. If you haven’t noticed, we like to keep track of irrelevant things out of spite. Like the number of times Jeff Kunk has bought doughnuts (0), the number of times Nick Selhorst has spilled his drink (54), and the number of times we’ve told Jeff Puthoff he’s old (officially 7—as recorded by Lexy’s calendar—but in actuality more like millions).

If we’re keeping track of things, we have to count the number of times Kyle has frowned at Allen (just over the wall in the photo) about his desk/seat/everything (2,190), which is statistically more than Kyle has actually used his stand-up desk. Kyle, you don’t have to prove your worth to us with charts and logs: we love ya no matter how many times you whine about… er, use the stand-up desk.

Lexy Bolin:
“Today I’ll be reminding Jeff Puthoff he’s old.”

Each morning the Choice One crew meets on Zoom to quickly discuss what each of us is working on. It helps us to know where help is needed and keeps us focused and accountable. And, of course, it wouldn’t be a Choice One conversation if we didn’t give each other a hard time, no matter how short the meeting.


January 27th is Lexy’s work anniversary at Choice One. So on her calendar, she made a recurring note to “Remind Jeff Puthoff he’s old.” This tradition, now seven years old, is about how young Lexy seemed to Jeff when she started and how old that made Jeff feel (Lexy is 26 years younger than Jeff). And so Lexy rightfully reminds Jeff of his oldness each January 27th and allows all of us to hold her accountable for what is clearly her most important, most crucial task of the day.


So what will Jeff be working on? “Crying for two hours in the bathroom,” thanks to Lexy’s yearly age statement. Good thing we put in some extra bathrooms over the past few years. We wouldn’t want to interrupt Jeff’s realization he hasn’t been getting any younger. Happy seventh anniversary, Lexy–may Jeff’s tears be a well-earned gift!

Adam Gill:
“How many pairs of glasses does it take to be an accountant, Caray?”


Six. It takes six.


It’s mid-January, and that means closing the books on 2020 and preparing for tax season for our accounting team, Caray Schmiesing and Holly Fannon. We knew that Caray sometimes needs multiple cars to jump start her car and multiple boxes to serve as briefcases, we now know that she needs multiple (i.e. six) pairs of glasses to deal with this hectic time of year.


It’s good that Caray keeps “a few” spares at her desk and we should all probably take note of her preparedness. Just like how Megan keeps spare bags of Doritosin her car. And how we keep a spare, Second Bertke around here in case we misplace one. And in the same vein, we have about three too many spare Jeffs.


Hang in there, Caray. The end of tax season in April is only about nine more pairs of glasses away!

Matt Hoying:
“Marla and I have been negotiating the payment for these cookies for a week or so now.”


For over 20 years, Marla Schroeder (Tony’s daughter) has been supplying Choice One with her infamous holiday monster cookies. However, 2020 will be the last year for the cookies (Marla is getting married and moving in 2021, apparently to a state that won’t allow her to ship monster cookies across the border), and this last batch took some diplomacy by Matt Hoying to come to fruition. Marla’s baking is only eclipsed by her negotiating—note she has requested a Choice One sponsored honeymoon in return for the treats.

What might a Choice One sponsored honeymoon look like? A luxury suite in downtown Columbus for the Ohio Transportation Engineers Conference, perhaps? Roundabout Week spent in France (the country with the most roundabouts)? Or maybe a scenic helicopter ride to… Alaska? Wherever it might be, Marla, be sure to negotiate extra funds for the gas/mileage on your rental car, because no trip sponsored by engineers could be had without “short” detours to cool construction sites or innovative stormwater management systems. Just ask our families.

Marla can’t remember the first time she helped make the monster cookies for everyone at Choice One, but we’re pretty sure she was at least sneaking a few M&Ms from the bowl by 1997. If there was ever a holiday tradition within Choice One, it might just be these cookies. Marla, you drive a hard bargain. And because we love those cookies so much, Choice One is more than willing to sponsor your wedding… as long as the groomsmen wear purple tuxes and the bridesmaids were green dresses.