
Choice Mindsets

Choice Mindsets

Kyle Siegrist: “When Wes looked away from his work as I walked by, I knew he was up to something.”

Wes Goubeaux is typically a quiet, focused person, so any sudden actions seem a deviation from his calm, tranquil demeanor. So when Wes snapped to attention as Kyle walked by, Kyle knew something was up. Upon coming back, Kyle was pummeled with several stress balls from various assailants, including Wes (proving Kyle’s quoted theory).

Wes is one of our licensed Professional Surveyors, and that means he is always busy with property lines, easements, and legal descriptions*. Indeed, the National Society of Professional Surveyors states that a P.S. “provides for a purchaser’s peaceful occupation of the land.” So it only follows that when Wes is not “peaceful,” something is about to go down.

Apparently, the group effort to ambush Kyle centered on his statement desiring colder weather and more snow, but really, there are at least 2,190 good reasons to throw things at Kyle. Wes was really doing us all a favor. Thanks Wes—despite previous suggestions that you are a Worthless Dumb Guy, we know you’re the peaceful protector of all of us who also have to endure Kyle’s crazy talk… er, the cold.

*Sound like an interesting career? We’re hiring additional surveyors!


Brian Schmidt: “Where’s Waldo?”

Project Manager Nick Selhorst attended the ODOT’s Ohio Transportation Engineers Conference back in October, and we stumbled across this photo on ODOT’s Facebook page. Unlike a Where’s Waldo image, it shouldn’t take you long to find Nick—just look for the bright green.

If you’re a fan of the Waldo series, you might know that beyond Waldo himself, there are always other hidden treasures in the images. While the photo above doesn’t offer many unique gems other than Nick, what might a true Choice One Where’s Waldo image also prompt one to locate?

We’ve mentioned the usefulness of our green when finding each other in a crowd, and once again, this feature of Choice One green comes in handy, albeit just for a random game of seek and find. Keep your eyes peeled in real life—who knows where Choice One will show up next!?


Casey Reichert: “I’m just hanging out by myself today. Just me, Mary, and Joseph.”

After the Sidney Choice One office completed it’s recent annual seat swap, Casey found herself “alone” in her new pod for a few days save for some special guests courtesy of our holiday decorating contest (check out all the photos on Choice One’s Facebook!).

There was concern the week before Christmas, as Mary’s light bulb burned out (there is some kind of analogy to make here about mothers with newborns… ). Luckily, Casey and her pod-mates Kyle Siegrist and Zach Borchers were able to remedy the situation to make sure Mary was brightly shining for Christmas Day and into the New Year.

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and from all of us at Choice One, including Mary and Joseph: Happy New Year! May you avoid burning out in 2023!


Dane Sommer: “It’s just so much cheese.”

If you didn’t catch Choice One’s social media last week, you missed a post about our annual Skyline Chili Coney-Off. 27 Choice One competitors raced to see who could eat the most cheese coneys in an hour. If it isn’t clear from the photos, Dane was not the winner.

It was an epic day. Wagers were placed. The local Skyline locations were forewarned of impending doom… er, our arrival. Sabotage doughnuts may or may not have been sent to the Loveland office the morning of the event. A winner was crowned (congrats Nick Sanders!). And, at final tally, 58 feet, 11 inches of hot dog were consumed, which is about the height of an average silo, according to our farmer-engineers.

It’s a little surprising that the cheese slowed Dane down. Historically, Choice Oners, especially Dane, love cheese. Regardless, Dane was able to stuff down 5.5 coneys (and their cheese), but it wasn’t enough to beat Nick—who has once again won with a Lucky 13!


Michael Kunzi:
“Didn’t you do any research for this part?

Watch your Happy Meals—we have a thief in the Loveland office! The sore thumb not in green is the legendary McDonald’s Hamburglar, with engineer Kristi Moorman behind the mask. Kristi wasn’t overly familiar with the Hamburglar’s vocabulary (which consists mainly of “CHEESEBURGER!” and “robble robble!”), so the Choice Oners old enough to remember the 1980s commercials featuring the McDonaldland crew educated Kristi on her temporary role.

This year we ran an impromptu campaign to collect donations for the Dayton Children’s and Cincinnati Children’s Ronald McDonald Houses. If we met our goal, Kristi promised to dress as the Hamburglar for an entire day at the office. We made good on reaching the goal, so Kristi made good on dressing up. During her day as the infamous fast food thief, she ate lots of smuggled cookies, politely posed for photos, and secretly insulted Skyline Chili, which the Hamburglar knows is inferior to McDonald’s tasty cheeseburgers.

Thanks, Kristi, for wearing the itchy costume to provide extra motivation to donate to a great cause. We certainly had a few laughs with you and were able to help stock up the kitchens at both hospitals’ Ronald McDonald Houses. And that’s worth a rousing “robble robble!”

Adam Gill:
“Schmidty made sure the whole world (Google Maps) knows we’re hiring.


It’s a touch blurry, but that is indeed engineer Brian Schmidt holding a Choice One “We’re Hiring” sign specifically because he saw a Google Maps car going by. And, clearly, he was successful at getting himself and the sign on the world wide web for the whole wide world to see. Go ahead—search for “Choice One Engineering Loveland Ohio” and check out the Google Maps Streetview to get several angles of Brian (with Troy Niese and Jesse Waggoner) as shown in the screenshot above.

We are hiring, so Brian’s efforts are greatly appreciated. But it’s a tough gig, working at Choice One. In Loveland we have to worry about daily flying objects. In Sidney? Really bright lights. Sure, there is sporadic tomfoolery and even doughnuts from Jeff Kunk sometimes, but the rest of the time? We’re dealing with coworkers like Ryan Francis, who is hogging all the monitors, and Nick Selhorst, who is throwing all of our stuff away.

Maybe you know someone who’s got what it takes. No, love for red tractors nor love for green tractors is required (but anyone who applies may want to love green regardless). There is occasional free food, impractical “sports” and, yes, fulfilling work, too, but we’re not for everyone. Think someone you know is brave enough? Check out our Join Us page… or at least check Brian, Troy, and Jesse on Google Maps.