
Choice Mindsets

Choice Mindsets

“Oh, and as you can see, I believe I found an appropriate spot for the trophy.”
Duane Puckett, City of Troy

With another Choice One Charity Cup in the books, the Charity Cup trophy is again displayed in a place of royal prominence, as is only appropriate for such a distinctive prize. For the next year, this majestic traveling masterpiece will be housed at the offices of the City of Troy, this year’s Charity Cup champion.

The tournament was grueling. Submersed for hours in the unforgiving world of 1970s disco, Team Troy Grey (l-r Paul Bryant, Duane Puckett, Choice One’s Tyler Thobe, and Scott Frazier) battled with the likes of Team Garmann-Miller Associates Grey in the final game of the ruthless 10-round cornhole tournament. Disco balls flew like Nick Sanders over a gas pump hose, and shag carpet was ruffled like Flat Tony’s leisure suit shirt, but Troy Grey emerged victorious.

All of the efforts were worth it, as the champions from Troy along with all of our incredibly generous clients and friends raised an amazing $5,104.00 for the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU to all of those who donated and participated. We are completely humbled by and grateful for your contribution to help this wonderful organization bring joy to these wonderful families!

P.S. Check out a few photos on Choice One’s Facebook page, and stay tuned for the 70s photo contest and more fun from the Charity Cup at www.choiceoneengineering.com!

Andy Shuman:
“Since Tony is the only one in the room who was a teenager in the 1970s, I guess we’ll have to take his word for it that he was ‘cool’ and not ‘groovy’ back then.”

During a recent meeting regarding the upcoming, disco-themed Choice One Charity Cup*, the young punks around Choice One mistakenly thought that “groovy” was a term used in the 70s until Tony corrected them. Apparently “cool” was the term Tony [tried to] use for himself in the 70s.

To get everyone in a leisure suit frame of mind, we’ve been gathering photos of Choice One employees and Charity Cup invitees from the 1970s**. Granted, a lot of us weren’t alive in the 70s, although Matt Hoying submitted a photo of a cosmic twinkle, as he was “just a twinkle in his parents eyes” in the 1970s. And while we’ve been thoroughly enjoying these photos, the coolest and grooviest part of this disco-style Charity Cup is how much our clients and friends step up to support the amazing efforts of the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association, the organization to which all of your generous Charity Cup donations will go.

Perhaps in an effort to prove that he isn’t really that old, Tony has yet to share a photo of his “cool” teenage self from the 70s. (Flat Tony helped us guess while Tony was on vacation. You can see that photo here.) Don’t be like Tony: share a photo of yourself to enter our Charity Cup 70s Photo Contest!

* The Choice One Charity Cup is just 12 days away on March 30!
** Pictured above (left to right, top to bottom) are the 1970s versions of Jeff Puthoff, Steve Bowersox, Brian Goubeaux, Wes Goubeaux, and Holly Fannon.

Megan Bornhorst:
“Tony is like a Choice One Mr. Potato Head.”

If you follow Choice One on Facebook or Twitter, these photos will look familiar. Since the last Mindset, we’ve been “embellishing” our Flat Tony, as the real deal is STILL vacationing in Florida. (Don’t worry, we really don’t mind.) He’s been a pirate, a Scotsman, Zorro, a ballerina, a hula girl… you know, typical things civil engineers aspire to be.

That gets us thinking: as kids, what did other Choice Oners aspire to be?

  • Andy, Not Nick, and Matt wanted to be fighter pilots. Too much Top Gun as kids, gentlemen?
  • Megan wanted to be a princess, Holly a movie star, and Casey a wedding dress designer. It’s no coincidence, then, that the glamour of engineering won their hearts.
  • Brian Schmidt, Kaye, and Ryan Francis wanted to be veterinarians. Come to think of it, they do work with a group of monkeys every day…
  • Surveyors Allen Bertke and Wes Goubeaux wanted to be professional baseball players. Driving hubs is just like driving homeruns, right guys?
  • Ryan Lefeld wanted to play for the Cleveland Browns. Don’t give up on your dream Ryan: at this point the Browns would probably draft someone of your experience in the first round.
Coincidentally, as he was growing up, Tony earned the nickname “Tater” during his time in college. So Megan referring to him as Choice One’s Mr. Potato Head is really pretty apt, except that Tony doesn’t keep a spare set of shoes or eyes in a rear-end compartment (at least we hope not). If you’d like to see Tony decorated as a particular character, reply to this email and let us know. As long as it’s embarrassing, we can probably make it happen!
P.S. We’re only 26 days from the 2016 Charity Cup! Don your best polyester and “hustle” over on March 30!

Tony Schroeder:
“Thanks for allowing me to go on this trip; for a president to take this much time off, you have to have a great staff, or the president doesn’t do much. I will go with a good staff… makes me feel better.”

He’s at it again! Remember 2010’s Tony Chasing Wade, when our company president Tony and his son Wade biked across the U.S.? Now Tony and his wife Joan are bicycling down the east coast of Florida for the next several weeks. You can follow him from Jacksonville to Key West at Tony Transporting Joan.

For each five years of service, Choice One employees receive a vacation to any place of their choosing as an anniversary award. For instance, for his 10-year award, Greg Albers and his wife Jamie spent a week touring San Francisco. Ryan Francis took his wife to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico for his 10-year award. And Tony? For his 20-year “reward,” he’s going to bike 60 miles a day. He might as well have chosen to watch soccer for three straight weeks.

No worries, as Tony indicated, we’ve got things covered while he and Joan are pedaling through the Sunshine State. Heck, in reality, that cardboard cutout of Tony is probably more useful than the real deal. Nonetheless, if for some crazy reason you’re looking for him (like Tom Coverstone and Jessica Minesinger STILL are) Tony will return in a few weeks!

P.S. If you want to see what “Flat Tony” will be up to while “Real Tony” is on vacation, Like and Follow Choice One on Facebook and Twitter!

Mike Goettemoeller:
“I have Choice One clothes everywhere. Oxford, Loveland, Portland, Sidney, St. Henry… my car.”

Choice One engineer Mike G. is a bit of a nomad. He technically resides in Oxford, Ohio, but sometimes his mad traffic engineering skills bring him to various municipalities throughout the Choice One service area. This prompts him to occasionally crash (no traffic engineering pun intended) at his parents’ place in St. Henry, Ohio, or work from any of the three Choice One offices, whichever is handy at the moment. Heck, he could be on vacation for a week and we’d all just assume he’s at one of the offices we’re not.

We’ve covered some of the random things we stash in our cars, so Mike G.’s stash of clothing really isn’t a surprise. It’s smart, really, because if you’re caught at work without the standard-issue Choice One green, you owe the entire company lunch (which is less about cost and more about principle, just like buying [or not buying] doughnuts).

We play a cheerful version of “Where’s Mike G.?” when we need to find him, trying each of his office phone extensions and then throwing a dart at a map. Perhaps we should consider providing him with a green and white striped Where’s Waldo style Choice One shirt, hat, and glasses. At least that would give him one more article of clothing to stash in another locale.

“Kaye, I can’t believe someone from Choice One could run out of green.”
– Nick Selhorst

Hopefully, you can empathize with Kaye, as most of us have been there: you arrive at a destination, let’s say the annual County Engineers’ Association of Ohio Conference an hour and a half away in Columbus, and realize you’ve forgotten your purse/wallet. Oh, and you’re out of gas and have to pay for parking.

We’ve all undoubtedly experienced that moment of panic when we wonder if we shut off the oven, locked the door, or turned off the car’s headlights so we don’t have to ask for a jumpstart twice in one day. After a moment of such panic, Kaye called up her local County Engineer, Shelby County’s Bob Geuy in hopes that he was in attendance. (Hey, she lives in Shelby County, so she votes for him every four years. He owes her, right?) But after reaching Bob’s voicemail, she remembered another friend, Montgomery County Senior Engineer Stephanie Goff, was presenting at the conference. A personally embarrassing, laughter-filled conversation later, Stephanie graciously loaned Kaye cash for parking
and gas.

We’re all human, and it’s humbling to be reminded that we have friends who understand and care (and can act as an impromptu ATM in a pinch). Thanks again, Stephanie, for paying it forward… literally.