10 Feb Fun Outside the Box
“What did we do for entertainment before we hired Brittany?”
– Holly Fannon

“What did we do for entertainment before we hired Brittany?”
– Holly Fannon
“Diaper Genies and wipe warmers…it’s a whole new world!-Nick Sanders
“That’s what Tony can do when he retires: put on a funny hat and chauffer all of us around.”
– Jeff Puthoff
“Somebody has to say something funny. I don’t want to have to start making up quotes.”
– Kaye Borchers
I know you’re all curious, so just to let you know-it’s really dusty on the top shelf of our supply closet here at Choice One Sidney. And we (obviously) don’t have any sort of step-stool to reach said shelf. Hence the dust accumulation.
When we’re out of options around here (perhaps for a Choice Mindsets idea, as in Kaye’s statement), or when we can’t reach the top shelf, it helps to be flexible. If we’re willing to be flexible, perhaps the right words will come out of our mouth, or the shelf will be stable enough to climb.
Being flexible doesn’t just help us design around a tricky existing water main, but it also allows us to work out problems with what’s available and not be nagged by worry and fear, or frozen by obstacles in the way of our goals. And it helps us to find all sorts of things on the top shelf we didn’t realize we had.
Happy New Year, everyone, from Choice One Engineering!
“Look at that signature. There is no possible way to get ‘Brian’ out of that.”
– Matt Hoying
If you haven’t seen one, our Christmas cards are hand-signed by each employee here at Choice One. And, according to Matt, sometimes certain people (ahem… Brian Schmidt) get a little sloppy with their signatures. (In Brian’s defense, it’s probably because, like most things that require any sort of repetition or accuracy in our office, The Signing of the Christmas Cards becomes a competition to see who can sign all 500 the fastest. I believe Wes usually wins, being that he only has three letters in his name.)
Whether signing Christmas cards or cleaning up a topographic survey, no matter the task here, frequent repetition can be both highly advantageous and highly dangerous. Doing the same task again and again leads to mastery and expertise, but can also lead to mechanization and carelessness. There are many times in our office when we have the need to do repetitious tasks that require precision, and to be successful at these tasks we need not only be focused and attentive, but also work together and have someone else check our work for mistakes. Measure twice, cut once!
Now if Matt will just check Brian’s other 499 signatures for readability…
Happy holidays, all, from everyone at Choice One Engineering.
“This is the best idea we’ve ever had–we should have done it a long time ago. Now it’s easier to get to the snack room.”
– Andy Shuman
We recently moved a few rather weighty filing cabinets that had “always been there” to allow for an under-used bookshelf to be put in a more accessible spot. Not only did our Administrative Assistant Brittany have more room for the bidding documents that seem to be spontaneously generating lately, but the furniture adjustment allows for everyone to get through the break/snack room door with less bottlenecking.
Yes, sometimes moving our old habits, the status quo, or “business as usual” around here at Choice One is difficult and heavy, but what doors might we open that we can’t even fathom until “the way we’ve always done it” is changed?