13 Jul Timely Teamwork
“Maybe ‘spelling’ should be one of our Core Values.”– Tony Schroeder

Michael, on the left, looks sufficiently ashamed. He claims his contacts were bothering him, but we know the truth.
Thankfully, the entire company was in the meeting to “helpfully” point out Tony’s mistake (and harass him, of course; please feel free to call or email Tony personally and do the same). Teamwork has many benefits–double-checking, verifying, and reviewing are certainly big ones. Perfection is probably not a realistic expectation for any circumstance, but for our group, teamwork gets us a little closer.
We’ll have to work on Tony’s spelling. Truthfully, though, we should probably just change that Core Value to something easier to spell, like “on time every time.” Although that’s a lot of words for Tony to remember..