Posted at 11:15h
Megan Bornhorst:
“To satisfy 81% of the company, Jeff should regrow his mullet, then grow bangs and perm them.”

We occasionally use anonymous surveys to collect vital feedback on crucial initiatives at Choice One. Since Jeff Puthoff cut his mullet when Choice One was founded in 1994, we thought that maybe, 22 years later, we should give him the encouragement to grow it back.
Once Jeff agrees to this hairstyle change, we’re pretty sure it could transform Choice One for the better. For instance, he would save five full minutes each month not having to sit for his signature single-length buzz cut—that’s an entire hour each year. Think of all that extra time he can spend managing projects! And then there’s all the style points and attention he’s going to earn at White Snake and Def Leppard concerts. With his Choice One tattoo and with a green shirt always on, there is no limit to the brand recognition we can achieve!
If nothing else, Jeff, consider this: 81% of our company equals about 28 people, and each threw in $1, we could buy you a nice lunch for your efforts. And we’re willing to bet that a few of our Mindset readers might throw in a dollar, too. Heck, you might get TWO lunches out of this. Combine that with all your extra time and hairband concert fame, and this crucial initiative is clearly a no-brainer.