
Author: ChoiceOne

Kyle Siegrist: “To be clear… I can grow a mustache, it is just very blonde and thin.”   Do you feel the need? The need for …a thin blonde mustache? If that statement makes no sense to you, it’s probably because you haven’t seen the 2018 Sidney Choice One...

Matt: "The City asked us about doing a water model for them." Jake: "I do modeling. Just not water modeling--that's up to Brian Schmidt."   Well, Jake, this photo proves you very wrong: we wouldn't say you "do modeling" either. The stare is all wrong, your lips are...

Josh Craig: “This is how we know it's winter in Loveland.” If you haven't heard, it's cold outside. Just ask the perpetually-freezing Mike Goettemoeller, who wears a fleece jacket even in July. There's a few other ways we know its winter around Choice One other than Mike G.'s...

Various: “I don’t know the guy who’s playing Cousin Eddie, but he’s dead on.”   Put engineer Nick Selhorst in a bathrobe, and we have a Christmas sensation! After sending out our 2017 Christmas card (you can check out the full version here), we’ve received many delightful comments regarding Nick’s...

Michael Seeger: “Soooo…. which photo has the faces swapped and which is the original?”   Ever dreamed of being an engineer at Choice One? (Wait, that’s not on your bucket list?) Well, our friend Josh Turton, with Redi-Rock, clearly feels that even just looking like a Choice One engineer...

Mike Goettemoeller: “Thanksgiving is a compilation of my favorite hobbies: playing cards, eating food, drinking beer, taking naps, and watching football.”   Gobble gobble! Choice One’s offices are closed today, but it’s not due just to a Thanksgiving-induced food coma. We heard there was a Black Friday deal...

Nick Selhorst: “The only bad thing that happened last night was Bertke’s team won.” [caption id="attachment_15814" align="alignnone" width="960"] Charity Cup Glory[/caption]   In his 11 years at Choice One, professional surveyor Allen Bertke has been on the winning side of three Charity Cups (2008, 2011, and 2017), not...