13 Apr File 13
Jason Brown, Ryan Homes:
“I’m concerned. It looks like Michael is literally one step away from being ‘trashed.’”

Our friend Jason Brown is at it again, picking on defenseless engineers like Michael Seeger. But considering Michael placed his own photo near his trashcan, maybe Jason isn’t picking on Michael, but rather warning the rest of us…
We have photos of ourselves near our desks at Choice One to help our new hires, co-ops, and visitors know who sits where among an intricate arrangement of open desk spaces, stacks of construction plans, pre-modeled SmartWater bottles, countless body spray scents, and heaps of pens without pockets to reside in. When everyone has the same shirt on (not to mention the same names), it can get a little confusing for newbies to determine who each of us green-shirted nerds are, and the photos help.
We wonder if Michael thought that putting his photo near his wastebasket would help others recognize him, or if he just didn’t want to let it compete with his handmade P.E. certificate. However, if Michael wanted to help co-ops and visitors out more, perhaps he should put his photo near the Loveland office’s coffee machine where, he is more likely to actually be found.