National Affair

National Affair

Brian Schmidt: “Heard it was National Doughnut Day today. We should implement some kind of ‘Choice One Day.’”

What good news—National Doughnut Day—on a Friday! Coincidently, Isaiah Winhoven, Choice One’s newest engineer, treated us all to his obligatory first paycheck doughnuts in honor of the day.
Schmidty, we should definitely implement a “National Choice One Day.” Perhaps it could combine all of the favorable aspects of Duplicate Name Day, Pocket Appreciation Day, Give (or Avoid) a Hug Day, and Roundabout Day, all wrapped together with (hopefully) Free Lunch Day and Wear Green Day. When would we celebrate National Choice One Day? We could celebrate on October 24 (Sidney office’s founding), August 30 (Loveland office’s founding), or January 27 (when we all remind Jeff Puthoff he’s old).
In reality, for us, every day is Choice One Day, which results in an daily enjoyment of engineering, landscape architecture, surveying, and debating the merits of such things as pizza, cheese, and all things sports. So happy National Doughnut Day… and enjoy the first official National Choice One Day of many!