

TONY: "Nick, do you remember what I talked about last time?" NICK: "I think you talked about what a genius you are." - Tony Schroeder and Nick Sanders Tony’s real genius? Delegation. This poster has (literally) been hanging around Choice One for 15 years. (Check out Jeff Puthoff’s glasses.)...

"Not above scrubbing the toilets" -Choice One Engineering interview evaluation sheet We don't mind doing dirty work here (considering Matt's expression, some of us maybe even enjoy it). In fact, based on the line above from one of our interview sheets, it's a requirement to work here. The...

"The real question is, 'sometimes $#!% happens, but why does it always happen to Ryan Francis?'" -Tony Schroeder For some reason, Field Surveyor Ryan Francis seems to regularly be the victim of bad luck, accidents, and embarrassment here at Choice One. For instance, he has: Backed a...

  "What happened to the Canteen?! It's like a grocery store before a blizzard." -Greg Albers You know how it is: the weatherperson reports that a "blizzard" (read: two to four inches of snow) is coming, and everyone rushes out for groceries in a panic in case they...

“It’s the easy connection that’s leaking!” - Tony Schroeder The new coffeemaker at Choice One has been a bit of a…challenge, we’ll say, to install. Our resident plumber, Tony, isn’t the most experienced, but who knew hooking up a coffeemaker would entail so many trips to the...

“Guess I’ll have to get over my fear of heights.” -Mary Borchers   It may sound like an oxymoron, but our 5’-11” administrative assistant Mary is afraid of heights. And not just the looking-over-the edge-of-the-Empire-State-Building kind of heights. She’s even nervous when climbing a stepstool to hang some...

“What did we do for entertainment before we hired Brittany?” - Holly Fannon Yep, if Brittany dares Kaye, those long, goofy legs WILL fit in a cardboard computer box.   Having fun at work is important to the people at Choice One. We regularly do ridiculous things to make...

"That's what Tony can do when he retires: put on a funny hat and chauffer all of us around." - Jeff Puthoff For those of us at Choice One who spend a lot of time driving to construction sites and client meetings, we often fantasize about the...

"Somebody has to say something funny. I don't want to have to start making up quotes." - Kaye Borchers I know you're all curious, so just to let you know-it's really dusty on the top shelf of our supply closet here at Choice One Sidney. And...