
Author: ChoiceOne

Amy Butler, Utility Clerk, Village of South Lebanon: “When you add me to your phone contacts, just label me “Wonder Water Woman.” Our friend Amy from South Lebanon offered to text this selfie to us, and she wanted her name in our phone's contact list to be...

Brittany Clinehens: "You can never have too much Caray!" While adding a new employee to the website (side note: meet land surveyor Chris, pictured lower-right above), we accidentally doubled Choice One Controller Caray Schmiesing’s website profile. Perhaps we can fool people into thinking we now have a...

Jacqueline Huelskamp: “Nothing like working in someone’s armpit.” Meet Jacqueline Huelskamp, a landscape architect, hobby photographer, and our newest employee. She started less than two weeks ago, and already we’re asking her to take on a rather daunting task: edit engineer Jake Bertke’s photo for the company...

Kecia Flaute: “I feel like our lives are incomplete without these fanny packs.” Remember the fanny pack, popular in the late 80s/early 90s? Well, we heard they’re making a comeback. And some of us at Choice One, like graphic designer Kecia, feel like we need them in...

Nick Selhorst: “First thing in the morning I only moo at people. I’m incapable of forming words at the start of the day.” Not all of us can be morning people. Especially not engineer Nick Selhorst. And especially, ESPECIALLY not before his first cup of coffee. Shall we...

Inquiring Mindsets want to know: "How do you decide which of your green Choice One shirts to wear each day?” Nick Selhorst, Project Manager “The one with the least amount of random pen marks on it and least amount of coffee stains.” Have you not been using your...

Wes Wolters: “Schmidty had a case of the Mondays and needed some caffeine.”   Hmmm, looks like it wasn’t a case of the Mondays that Schmidty had, but rather a case of the Mt. Dews*. Understandable—some days you just need a boost. And, apparently, some days you need...

Brittany Clinehens: “We have two VERY happy, NEW Professional Engineers! They obviously did better on the exam than on this high five.”   Earlier this summer, Choice One’s Tyler Thobe and Luke Hemmelgarn passed their P.E. exams and became full-fledged, stamp-carrying, plan-signing Professional Engineers. While they obviously rocked...

Jeff Puthoff “Do they really need to play their video games on the 80” TV?” What kind of video game is Craig Eley hogging our 80” display for? Frogger? SimCity? Nope, it’s Synchro, the software our traffic engineers use to analyze, optimize, and simulate traffic. If we were...

Kyle Siegrist: “I think Choice One needs a nice red, white, and blue shirt (with a little bit of green in there somewhere of course)!” When asked what they enjoy most about the Independence Day, Choice Oners had a few answers you might expect. Most of us...