
Brian Goubeaux: “Jeff, if MSA is the official architect of the Cincinnati Reds and they take Opening Day off, can we be the official civil engineers of the Cincinnati Reds and get Opening Day off too?” Jeff Puthoff: “Goub, baseball is boring. If you want Opening...

Greg Albers: “Why is everyone on a diet? Francis, are you on a diet?” Ryan Francis: “This Francis ain’t on no diet.” Based on recent temperatures and random overnight snowfalls, Spring has yet to reach the area. Subsequently, Ryan Francis is obviously unconcerned about swimsuit season. Worry can...

“Can you send more nutritious snacks down for Bosses’ Day next time? Because I just sat down in my chair and my button popped off my pants. Good thing Matt had a safety pin.” - Brian Schmidt Sometimes dessert is just too hard to pass up. For...

"Did you just quote Naughty By Nature?" - Jeff Puthoff Being that they are an early 1990s rap group, and being that Jeff Puthoff isn't much of a hip-hop kind of guy, you might be surprised to find out that Jeff knows who Naughty By Nature is....

“Megan doesn’t care about fashion, she cares about function.” - Jeff Puthoff Yes, those are plastic shopping bags on Megan’s feet. And yes, she put those on her feet voluntarily (to keep her feet dry in the rain). And yes, she crossed a public street to reach...

Tony: "A 'blip'? Are you sure it's not a 'blimp'? You know, like the Goodyear Blimp." Kaye: "It's definitely not a 'blimp.' What if it was the Hindenburg and came crashing down?" Tony: "Well, that's why you want to watch out if it's a blimp!" The context of...

"Kaye, get back here, we've got a Mindset for you." - Various Dear family and friends, Happy holidays! As the year ends, we just wanted to send a letter telling you all how things have been going in the Choice One household this year. We've certainly been busy,...

“Matt, in the mullet of Choice One, you’re the business in the front and I’m the party in the back.” -Kaye Borchers …and apparently, the “Mullet of Choice One” is an unnatural shade of coppery polyester. If you haven’t caught on yet, we like to enjoy ourselves here...

“Write that down, Kaye. Puthoff called me both “skinny” and “smart” in the same week.” - Wes Goubeaux Geez, the compliments are flying around here. Since Jeff Puthoff told Wes he was skinny and smart, might as well throw in that he had a lot of hair. In 1994. Truth...