

“Well, it was either get pies from The Spot for Boss’s Day, or go around and give everyone hugs.” - Brittany Clinehens Since everyone at Choice One really loves his or her remarkable, motivating, caring, amazing manager (yeah, that might be some sucking up), we had pies...

Kaye: "What's up with this guy's stomach?" Brittany: "The guys thought it was a cummerbund. I think it's a fanny pack." Meet Eeyore (from the abbreviation E-OR), the unofficial mascot of Choice One's core values. He's quite the looker, don't you think? He was hand-drawn by Jeff...

“You can always tell when Mitch is on the phone with Matt: his voice gets higher and higher and louder and louder.” - Brian Goubeaux Traffic engineers Matt Hoying and Mitch Thobe talk traffic daily. Both have the same traffic engineering education from the Northwestern University Center...

"The Sidney office has buns from Arby's. Is it fair to assume that the Sidney office had Arby's sandwiches? If so, Schmidty at the Loveland office is jealous." - Brian Schmidt (via email) Hmmm, based on a recent pile of boxes to recycle, the Loveland office has...

“I have very strict photo taking rules. No outfit changes, it can only last one hour, and it has to involve farm equipment.” - Jeff Puthoff Well, hope none of you wanted to grab a photo with Jeff for posterity. Jeff and his family (pictured above) don't take...

“I don’t want to break my streak now.” - Jeff Kunk   If we go waaaaay back into Choice One lore, there’s a mystical legend that Jeff Kunk has never bought doughnuts for the entire company. See, there’s a rule here: when you receive your first paycheck as...

Wes Goubeaux: "When's the last time anyone's seen Greg run?" Jeff Kunk: "When he broke his leg." Kaye Borchers: "Gym class." Not everyone enjoys running. Jeff Puthoff has been known to call running "boring," much like baseball. Based on the fact that few of us have seen...

“Joey Votto will not be worth that much money.” - Tony Schroeder Tony has a knack for making extreme claims about immaterial subjects that are entirely against public consensus, are unfounded on substantial facts or common sense, and typically end up being entirely wrong. Whether or not...

"Tyler, can you change your name to 'Newton' for the summer? That way we can have 'Olivia Newton-John' all working next to each other in one office." - Andy Shuman Calling Tyler "Newton" wouldn't be much of a stretch (and not just because he's a self-proclaimed genius)....

“Sometimes you walk into the craziest conversations here. You just look ahead and keep walking.” - Nick Sanders Between Megan recently being nine months pregnant* and not afraid to share (Wes has a habit of accidentally wandering into these conversations), Brian Schmidt cursing at his computer (and...