

Nick Sanders: “Do you have all the formulas in that spreadsheet cell-protected?” Matt Hoying: “I have six copies hidden around the world.” Here’s Matt being nerdy as Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory and… well, a nerd. Ironically in a green and purple striped shirt. When Matt creates...

Matt Hoying: “Megan, remember our disagreement over the correct term for more than one computer mouse? Steve Caddell with the City of Mason emailed me a link that says that both MOUSES [Megan's vote] or MICE [Matt’s vote] is correct.” Kecia Flaute: “So EVERYBODY is right! But, Megan, it sounds...

"I will leave it up to you if you want to file this photo under 'Francis being efficient,' or 'Francis with multiple opportunities for bad luck.'" -Wes Goubeaux There was once a time when we thought having more than one monitor might be excessive (and a time...

"What's a hashtag? Something on Tweeter?" - Brian Barhorst   It's Christmastime here at Choice One, and that means preparing holiday gifts, putting up the office Christmas tree, and legendary Signing of the Christmas Cards. You see, all six hundred-some cards require an original signature from each of the...

[CRASH!] Brittany: "You alright in there?" Brian "Goub" Goubeaux: "Yeah, the refrigerator is kicking my butt." The refrigerator here at Choice One occasionally "kicks the butt" of those trying to squeeze in their lunch bag or find their favorite soda in The Canteen. Sometimes, trying to fit in...

“My picture went out on that mailer this week, so I figured the office would be getting a lot more phone calls.” -Dan Perreira The jury’s still out as to whether Dan’s photo on a recent mailer has triggered a spike in phone calls, but don’t worry...

"Believe it or not, you guys, gray isn't our natural hair color." - Jeff Puthoff Next Friday, October 24th, marks the 20th anniversary of Choice One Engineering. It also marks the 20th anniversary of Jeff Puthoff's awesome African safari tie (or are those eagles, Jeff?). Some of...

“Geez, give her one compliment and she thinks she runs the place!” -Tony Schroeder Meet Kecia, our digital media gal. Meet Kecia, our digital media gal, commandeering Tony's office. Meet Kecia, our digital media gal, commandeering Tony's office her third week on the job. Brave? Or crazy? Truth...

Ryan Lefeld: Breadsticks? There were breadsticks?! Casey Heitkamp: I didn’t see any breadsticks. Did you know there were breadsticks? Brian Goubeaux: I knew there were breadsticks. They were right next to me so I didn’t mention them to anyone else. Michael Seeger: Mention what? Brian Goubeaux: That there were breadsticks. ...

“Wait… Not so fast. Not so fast! NOT SO FAST! I can only type so fast!” - Tony Schroeder Imagine Tony taking dictation from Brian Barhorst. Yes, let that scene sink in. For those of you who don't know them, Tony is a slow typist, and Brian is...