

Holly Fannon: "Today is Hug Your Boss Day, Megan." Tony Schroeder: "Good thing we go by 'leaders' here and not 'bosses.' I would hug you, Megan, if it was Hug Your Leaders Day." It's true, we don't have "bosses" at Choice One. We are all "leaders" rather than "bosses" for...

“Brian Schmidt and Nick Selhorst got perfect scores on April’s quiz. Matt you didn't: you got your opinion wrong.” - Tony Schroeder Once a month, the entirety of Choice One convenes early in the morning at the Sidney office for a company-wide meeting. We talk about how...

“Tell Jeff Puthoff I appreciate him lending his big shoes for the Clowning Around for Charity costumes.” - Kari Egbert, City of Sidney Anyone who knows Jeff Puthoff knows that you can hear him coming from a mile away. Maybe it’s the cowboy boots, maybe it’s his...

“[Mark] wants to help a dad be able to be a dad.” Jenny Goubeaux, Brian Goubeaux’s wife We hope you don’t mind the lack of silliness today, but we have something more powerful on our minds. Right now, literally as you may be reading this, Choice One’s...

Tony: “Dan, is Barney having you topo the whole office?” Dan: “Yeah, I told him it wasn't level and he needed to reconstruct the whole thing.” Topographically surveying the entire Sidney office to ensure it's perfectly level isn't a stretch for a details person like Brian "Barney"...

Office Supply Deliveryman: “Looks like you hired someone new?” We sure get them started young around here, don’t we? Meet Ryann, Megan Bornhorst’s delightful baby girl. She stopped in the office to visit and we didn’t miss the opportunity to put her to work. Apparently she’s not...

“One of the benefits of riding a bicycle for 15 minutes as fast as physically possible is that we will get to enjoy ice cream, right Nick Selhorst?” - Michael Seeger This weekend, the Choice One crew will be participating in the Cincinnati area Race to Anyplace,...

Text conversation between Kecia Flaute and Wes Goubeaux: Wes Goubeaux, Tony, and Brian Barhorst are soon headed out together on a four-day ski adventure in Colorado. Tony and Brian are experienced skiers. Wes is not. In fact, other than a few trial runs at a local...

"Tony, your meeting was so long that when it began I only had 12 grandkids, and when it ended I had 13!" - Nick Sanders Congratulations to 13-time Grandpa Nick Sanders. And to 13-hour meeting producer Tony. Ok, it wasn't that long. But if Nick can add a...

"Tony, didn't I ride my bike to the Loveland office before you did? Slacker." - Craig Eley      Two points of recent Choice One Engineering bravery: Hiring another traffic engineer to join the ridiculously intense Matt/Mitch/Allan traffic debates. Hiring another cycling geek like Tony. Both converge into one new green shirt:...