Stopping Cold

Stopping Cold

Matt Hoying:
I just caught Sammy in her “work” mittens.

It’s not that we try to keep it cold at Choice One. It just… happens.


There are benefits to a cold office. First, we keep our field surveyors well-seasoned for work outside in cold weather (although not Alaska cold, Eric, we still don’t get a chopper). Second, it matters less when there isn’t any room in the fridge for our lunches. And third, we get to do extra of one of our favorite things: wearing green (in layers, naturally).


There’s no shame in “work” mittens, Sammy. As our graphic designer, we need you to stay warmed up and ready for anything, like sketching graphics for Choice One promotional stuff and developing cool project renderings. Unfortunately, though, mittens aren’t going to help you with your most daunting task: getting engineers to cooperate on Christmas card photos, music videos, or anything beyond perfect right angles (or the occasional roundabout circle). For that, you may need to trade your mittens in for boxing gloves.