22 Nov For Heaven’s Sake
Holly Fannon:
“Please don’t make Caray cuss. She wants to get to heaven someday.”

She may look cheery in the photo at right, but imagine a blunt object in Choice One controller Caray’s hand and that image feels a little different. Caray is absolutely amazing, but to do her job best she needs all of us to do–at the very least–one important thing: enter our hours into our time tracking software. And when we forget, well, Caray’s officemate Holly may hear some “select” phrases that are not in Caray’s typical angelic vocabulary.
We don’t mean to intentionally frustrate Caray (at least not about this particular matter), but sometimes entering our time takes careful deliberation. For instance, how do we specifically record scaring people, talking smack about the Cleveland Browns, or finding an open bathroom? Is picking on Jeff Puthoff a different category from picking on Jeff Kunk? And does hand-signing Christmas cards go under “holiday events” or “competitive contests”? (Get excited… they will be in the mail soon!).
Rest assured, Holly. There are a few tasks around here we do so well that Caray will never need to cuss about them: wearing green, helping her when she needs her car jump-started, and most importantly, appreciating Caray’s double-awesomeness. Because not only do we want Caray to get to heaven someday, we would like our paychecks processed, too!