
Matt Hoying: “Starting the next succession plan.” Last week, Tony had scheduled both a Choice One meeting and Very Important Grandpa Duties at the same time. So Matt staged the meeting with both Tony and his grandson Luke. Indeed, Luke might as well get in on the...

Nick Sanders: “Allen, be sure that Jake understands right away that he’s the ‘Other Bertke.’” Surely you’re all shocked to hear that we have a new employee with an old name. Allen Bertke (left), meet Jake Bertke (right). On his first day at Choice One, Jake boldly...

Inquiring Mindsets want to know: "If you were in a pageant, what would your talent be?" Matt Hoying, Project Manager “Rock, paper, scissors.” This is only a talent because your opinions aren’t involved, Matt. Mitch Thobe, Project Manager “Eating food extremely fast.” Like, faster than electricity, Mitch? Brian Barhorst, Designer “Playing the tuba.” Must...

Loveland Burger King Cashier: “Do the rest of your guys know you’re coming here without them?” Our Loveland Choice One crew often hits up the local Burger King for lunch together. But once, when Brian Schmidt went alone, the cashier noticed and wanted to make sure Brian...

Tony Schroeder: “I’m gone two weeks and you guys get rid of pockets.” An engineer without a place to carry a pen at all times is a lost soul indeed. While Tony was out of the office, likely on a bicycle somewhere in Florida, our newly-logoed men’s...

Brittany: "We're having a costume contest: dress as your kids are dressing for Halloween." Jeff Puthoff: "Mine are dressing as Choice One employees, so I will just wear what I always do." Struggling to find the perfect costume for Halloween this year? We have the solution! Our trick-or-treaters Jake...

Megan Bornhorst: “To satisfy 81% of the company, Jeff should regrow his mullet, then grow bangs and perm them.”   We occasionally use anonymous surveys to collect vital feedback on crucial initiatives at Choice One. Since Jeff Puthoff cut his mullet when Choice One was founded in 1994,...

Inquiring Mindsets want to know: "What feat might get you into the Guinness Book of World Records?" Brian Goubeaux, Designer "Hairiest legs.” (Although we think number of kidneys [three] might be some kind of record, too.) Matt Hoying, Project Manager "The most unnecessarily long excel equation."  Brian Schmidt, Project Manager "Number of...

Jeff Puthoff: “I think we should require every employee to get a new Choice One logo tattoo. That’s real ‘branding.’” Coming to a green shirt near you: the new Choice One logo! Our awesomely talented graphic designer Kecia (above, with Jeff) has been working to update our...