


Andy Shuman: “We will designate this corner the “Caray/Kari Corner.”


The Choice One name game continues, as now we have two gals named Caray/Kari (although we previously had two Carays for a short time once…) to add to the multitude of multiple names here at Choice One. Caray and Kari sit just around the corner from each other and designating this angle in the office the “Caray/Kari Corner” only makes sense.

We compared the attributes of controller Caray Schmiesing and new graphic designer Kari Meyer, and we have to say, new Kari has some work to do to live up to the accomplishments of existing Caray (notice she’s not “old” Caray, even though Caray suggested that this Mindset should mention that she’s older than new Kari by a few years).

  1. First, new Kari has to see how many cartwheels it takes to get down the Choice One hallway.
  2. Second, new Kari has to be willing to learn new—or old—technology.
  3. Finally, new Kari has to prove she’s amazingly practical, resilient, and tough.

After all this thought, we don’t want Caray and Kari to be alike—we love them both as they are! Caray, thanks for all of your hard work to keep Choice One running smoothly in the accounting department, and welcome Kari—we hope you are excited to make your own “name” at Choice One!