Back to Where We Started

Back to Where We Started

Kaye Borchers:
“I’ve made two major contributions to Choice One: Choice Mindsets and figuring out that cool page transfer thing in Adobe Acrobat.”

Believe it or not, these Mindsets have been coming to your inbox every other week for almost 10 years. If you haven’t known us that long or don’t remember, we invite you to check out the very first Mindset, written in October 2011. If we were to rewrite that Mindset today, almost 10 years later… well, nothing has changed. Kaye is still ungraceful, Andy still makes fun of her, and we’re still taking awkward photos to entertain our readership, as evidenced by the recreated photo above.


What has changed about Choice One since these Mindsets began? We have a few more employees now (about three times more), we have moved our Loveland office to a larger space (due to said three times more employees), and, obvious from original photo in the 2011 Mindset, we’ve redecorated our office. Otherwise, we’ve been pretty consistent: we’re still wearing green, we’re still laughing with each other, and, of course, we’re still wondering when we get to eat next.


At the risk of getting a little sappy, thanks for reading. You came along with us when Brian “Goub” Goubeaux had his kidney transplant, you’ve endured our obligatory posts about Tony biking across the US a few times, and you’ve done your best to figure out which Brian, Ryan, Nick, or Michael you need to talk to when you call. Here’s to 10 more Jeffs and 10 more years of Choice Mindset ridiculousness!