06 May In the Dark
Brittany Clinehens:
“Is no one working today?”

Choice One’s Sidney office was out of power first thing one morning this week, and although the early birds in the office sent around a message that the office was dark, Brittany missed it. She was then confused since there were no lights on when she arrived, as if no one else was coming to work. (In her defense, the businesses across the street were lit up with power.)
So what happens at Choice One when there’s no power? First, we panic for irrational reasons (is there a battery backup for the coffee pot?!). Then we contemplate doing non-power/computer/server-related tasks we’ve been putting off—cleaning up our desks, tidying up the common areas, writing things on paper like in the old days. But then we come to our senses and keep working by heading to Burger King for the wi-fi (but mostly for a croissan’wich or two).
Thankfully, Brittany’s confusion and the power outage passed quickly. The power came on, typical work commenced, and no one had to actually clean up their desk. But we did take a third croissan’wich to go!