Author: BehrDesign

“There is rarely an event at Choice One that doesn’t correspond to an event in an episode of Seinfeld." -Kaye Borchers   Whether you’ve seen or you like Seinfeld or not, we feel that the premise that “it’s a show about nothing” is not quite accurate. To us...

Recent text message conversation between Tony and Brittany (YES! Tony knows how to text!): We’re still collecting donations to help send Tony away on another long bicycle ride (thanks to all of you who have already made private donations—we won’t reveal your identity to Tony). However,...

Greg: "You have a random bag of Doritos in your car right now?" Megan: "There’s no such thing as a random bag of Doritos." We take our snacks seriously here, if you haven’t noticed. But as our resident Eagle Scout Brian Barhorst can tell us, the point...

“Casey, I would consider sitting in a different area. At least until we know this thing will stay up there.” - Jeff Puthoff This is one of those “how many engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb” jokes just waiting to happen. Allen Bertke...

“Tony, thanks for the new briefcase. I just found a half- eaten piece of toast in my current one.” - Caray Schmiesing   Some might call it strange, but we call it practical: our controller Caray often works from home, and she transports her most precious possessions (calculator,...

"Spelling Dan's last name is like spelling 'Mississippi:' P-RR-E-RR-I-RR-A." - Kaye Borchers So someone may have accidentally slipped an extra 'R' into Dan Perreira's name on some shirts we had made. We won't mention any names, but it starts with an "M" and ends with a "egan." Hopefully...

"I told her not to this year." - Jeff Kunk   Did you get flowers for your last birthday? Neither did Jeff Kunk. He got flowers for this last TWO birthdays.   Jeff may sound lucky, but as evidenced by his comment above, having good fortune while at Choice One...

“You guys apparently only hire people with certain names: Nick, Jeff, Dan, Ryan, Brian, Allan, and Michael.” - Douglass Degen, Drainage Engineer, Allen County Engineering Indeed, Mr. Degen, indeed. Of our 30 employees, 46% of them have the same name as someone else in the company. And if...

"You can't tell he's bald in this picture though." - Jeff Puthoff While making edits to a Statement of Qualifications, Jeff Puthoff made a "polite" observation of Wes's head shot. I guess this balances out Jeff calling Wes smart AND skinny a while back. There's a few other...

Kaye:  “Andy, can you give me a report on snow and road conditions? I am driving to Dayton later.” Andy:  “Yes. Hopefully my report’s not from the ditch. Because that means the roads are bad.” So we probably don’t have to tell you it’s been cold. But...