Fair Game

Fair Game

Jeff Puthoff
“Do they really need to play their video games on the 80” TV?”

What kind of video game is Craig Eley hogging our 80” display for? Frogger? SimCity? Nope, it’s Synchro, the software our traffic engineers use to analyze, optimize, and simulate traffic.

If we were playing actual video games at Choice One, what might they be? Turns out we already experience a few quite frequently. Most of us here play a challenging game of refrigerator Tetris when trying to find room for our lunches. Jeff Puthoff wins the racing game Pole Position every morning since he arrives first by at least 5:00am. If Megan’s around, looking for a hug, you know it’s time to boot up Space Invaders. And we do have the Super Thobe Brothers (albeit Mitch and Tyler instead of Mario and Luigi). We don’t know about the “super” part, but they’re brothers, so it fits the theme.

While Synchro isn’t technically a video game, rest assured, our traffic engineers get just as giddy over traffic simulations as if they were playing a video game. With that in mind, we’ll let Craig have his time on the 80” screen. Plus we know the real reason he’s using the 80” screen: he’s getting a little older and can’t see anything smaller!