Sweet Summertime

Sweet Summertime

Inquiring Mindsets:
What are you looking forward to this summer?

Summer is upon us, and we at Choice One couldn’t be happier. Sure, we have summer vacations planned, but we’re REALLY excited that it’s full-on construction season, blazing hot field survey season, and, of course “winter” for Mike G. Still, besides all that, what else are Choice Oners looking forward to most this summer?

Jacqueline Huelskamp, Landscape Architect “Hanging out by the river, whether it’s by kayak, ATV, or side-by-side.” Jacqueline, did you ever think of hanging out IN the river?
Hannah Dapore, People & Culture Leader Waaaait a second Hannah, aren’t you really looking forward to switching from hot lattes to iced lattes?
Brad Walterbusch, Traffic and Lighting Engineer “I am looking forward to taking my girls to the splash pad and park until they are tired of it, which will require a surplus of coffee.” Don’t worry, Brad, Choice One has your coffee covered!
Megan Bornhorst, Administrative Professional “Relaxing by water.” Check with our resident water model, Jake Bertke, Megan—he may have a destination to recommend!