

Paul Coors, Ryan Homes:
“Choice One sponsored horse?”


We have to admit, the horse our friend Paul spotted at Keeneland Raceway sure does look to be branded by Choice One. Alas, we are not in the horse-racing business. But if we were, we’d have to somehow buy the rights to this jockey’s silks.


The owner of this horse was probably hoping for a sure bet when he put something darn close to the Choice One logo on his mount. But this horse, named Voodoo Loa, didn’t win—she was a 30-1 longshot that came in dead last—making her and her jockey possibly the only thing that doesn’t get more awesome dressed in purple and green. Guess the Choice One logo empowers engineers, surveyors, and landscape architects and not thoroughbreds.


We appreciate that you see purple and green and think Choice One, Paul. The folks at Choice One are generally pretty sporty, so associating purple and green with a race winner seems like a sure bet. This time, however, the speed of purple and green was a little more Jeff Puthoff than Mitch Thobe.