Something Borrowed

Something Borrowed

Jacqueline Huelskamp: “Thanks for letting me wear your sleeping bag, Andy.”

If it isn’t engineer Michael Goettemoeller letting us know how cold it is in the office, it’s definitely landscape architect Jacqueline Huelskamp. Luckily, engineer Andy Shuman noticed Jacqueline’s chilliness and just happened to have a handy, wearable sleeping bag in his car to lend to Jacqueline.

We’re happy to let each other borrow all kinds of things around here. Besides the everyday, normal things like pens, manhole hooks, and sleeping bags, we lend out our brains, brawn, and expertise to each other on a regular basis. For instance, we often borrow each other’s  “logic” to decide between Chipotle and Hothead, offer up big muscles (or, more realistically, combine many people) to move a desk, or volunteer several of our oldest… er, “most experienced” surveyors for a project.

It’s really no surprise that Andy had a wearable sleeping bag in his vehicle—Choice Oners are known for having random things in their cars. And while Andy offered his sleeping bag out of generosity, Jacqueline, we’re certain he wouldn’t mind if you started keeping random extra snacks in your car to share when you notice he’s hungry.