Expansion Team

Expansion Team

Matt Hoying:
“I don’t know what the big deal is. Choice One brought MLS to the Cincinnati area way before FC Cincinnati did.”


When Major League Soccer recently announced that a it was accepting FC Cincinnati as a new MLS expansion team, we were pretty confused as to why there was so much excitement. Choice One brought MLS to the Cincy area over a year ago. Major League Soccer… Michael Lewis Seeger… same thing, right?

Our use of initials in our day-to-day work is nothing new in our company or even our industry. But because we’re Choice One, it’s probably no surprise that we would associate certain strings of letters with certain people here at Choice One. For instance, engineer Casey Reichert (CCR) is now synonymous with Creedence Clearwater Revival. And how could we forget that Wes Goubeaux (WDG) is a Worthless Dumb Guy?

We guess that now Michael will be the equivalent of Major League Soccer for the rest of his engineering days. Makes sense though–we’re preeeeeetty sure his arrival as a project manager in Loveland trumped the fanfare generated by some measly major professional sports organization. It’s only fitting: Major League Soccer encompasses amazing feats of athleticism and a worldwide audience of passionate fans. Juuuuuust like Michael does.