You Sunk My Battleship!

You Sunk My Battleship!

Kristi Moorman:
“It looks like they’re playing Battleship.”

If you want to see intense engineers, have them try to access the same Excel spreadsheet at the same time while the whole company waits, staring. Then make that situation even more intense by telling them they look like they’re playing a game. (We won’t publish any of the “intensity” that might follow that statement.)
When playing the board game Battleship, some of us at Choice One have some “intense” strategies. As a Navy veteran, Craig Eley uses his nautical know-how to “always attack the corners first.” Nick Selhorst just spills his ships across the grid, letting them land where they may. Chris Fluegeman’s strategy is to distract the other player with his collection of dad jokes. And Kyle Siegrist keeps a detailed chart of how others place their ships, and then uses it against them to prove something irrelevant but never actually win.
If the photo above really was a game of Battleship, who would win? Matt’s strategy involves a complex three-by-three grid guessing system, which seems watertight (pun intended). Mike G.’s less than watertight strategy: “Uhhh, sink Matt’s ships?” We’ll just say it’s a toss-up…