Taken By Storm

Taken By Storm

Link Thobe: “Daddy, I want to see the water drain!”

Link is the 2-year-old son of one of Choice One’s stormwater engineer Tyler Thobe and wife Brittany. While out and about near his home with his parents (who were watching for traffic), Link couldn’t help but check out the catch basin structure along the street. And we agree–stormwater is interesting, Link!

It’s hard not to let our engineering, surveying, and landscape architecture passions rub off on our families and friends. Despite the fact that his kids are all adults now, designer Brian Barhorst is still probably dragging his family past Choice One roadway projects all over Ohio. Jeff Puthoff’s  “dress like dad for Halloween” sons are both studying to be engineers like dad (and Justin starts full-time at Choice One next week!). And although he hasn’t been hired as a surveyor yet, surveyor Eric Kuck’s son Owen, now 8 years old, probably fits into his dad’s Choice One shirt a little better now than he did at age 2.

We hope you inspire more kids get into stormwater management, Link. Who doesn’t like to splash in puddles, run in the rain, review times of concentration, and calculate composite runoff coefficients? Keep checking out those catch basins, too—we appreciate your enthusiasm toward flow rates and invert elevations!