Sweet Success

Sweet Success

Andy Shuman: “Who would have thought it would be almost too cold in June for ice cream?”

Like Brian Schmidt and chocolate chunk cookies, ice cream and summer just go together—there’s nothing like a double scoop on a hot June day. But this past Monday it was a bit chillier than we would have expected as we enjoyed some celebratory ice cream outside our offices.

The festive occasion was an exciting one: Choice One was named a top five Best Firm to Work for in the nation by the Zweig Group for the 11th year in a row, and in typical engineer/surveyor/landscape architect fashion, we celebrated with fun food and high fives and then eagerly got back to work—so much to do! June is prime design and construction time (not to mention vacation time!), which means we like to keep busy with some of our favorite types of designs: roundabouts, sanitary sewers, and arm pits… er, renderings and concepts.

Regardless of the weather, ice cream is always a welcome reward at Choice One–note that Andy said almost too cold. To be sure, if there’s something tasty to enjoy, neither weather, nor too much refrigerator clutter, nor filing cabinets are going to stop us. Here’s to many more years of sweet success!