We’re Lovin’ It

We’re Lovin’ It

Michael Kunzi:
“Didn’t you do any research for this part?

Watch your Happy Meals—we have a thief in the Loveland office! The sore thumb not in green is the legendary McDonald’s Hamburglar, with engineer Kristi Moorman behind the mask. Kristi wasn’t overly familiar with the Hamburglar’s vocabulary (which consists mainly of “CHEESEBURGER!” and “robble robble!”), so the Choice Oners old enough to remember the 1980s commercials featuring the McDonaldland crew educated Kristi on her temporary role.

This year we ran an impromptu campaign to collect donations for the Dayton Children’s and Cincinnati Children’s Ronald McDonald Houses. If we met our goal, Kristi promised to dress as the Hamburglar for an entire day at the office. We made good on reaching the goal, so Kristi made good on dressing up. During her day as the infamous fast food thief, she ate lots of smuggled cookies, politely posed for photos, and secretly insulted Skyline Chili, which the Hamburglar knows is inferior to McDonald’s tasty cheeseburgers.

Thanks, Kristi, for wearing the itchy costume to provide extra motivation to donate to a great cause. We certainly had a few laughs with you and were able to help stock up the kitchens at both hospitals’ Ronald McDonald Houses. And that’s worth a rousing “robble robble!”