The Bright Side

The Bright Side

Casey Reichert:
“Um, I think I’m getting a sunburn.”


As we move out of Daylight Saving Time and things just feel… darker, we’ve tried to infuse some extra brightness into the Choice One office. No, we haven’t put on fluorescent spandex again (thankfully!), we removed the diffusing panels from some light fixtures. Apparently the initial shock of the fresh lighting was just a little too much for Casey.


We try to keep our offices “light” in many ways. In addition to adding brighter bulbs, we make embarrassing videos, laugh at each other’s harmless mistakes (until the Governor calls), and jab each other endlessly… and publicly. And while it’s ALWAYS dark when Jeff Puthoff shows up at the office at 5:00am, we’ll keep flipping on the lights, cranking out some engineering design, and saying enough ridiculous things to make each other (and you) chuckle from time to time.


Hope this Mindset has made your Friday brighter. Not painfully brighter (like Casey), but brighter nonetheless!