Carry On

Carry On

Bruce Metz (Jackson Center Village Administrator):
“Do you know what I’m pointing to?”


No, Bruce is not pointing to his warm, friendly heart or his stylish (albeit green-less) shirt. He is pointing to his Jeff-Puthoff-style pen placement, because he knows how much Jeff Puthoff misses his precious pocket.

While many of us at Choice One often keep a snazzy, blue-ink-only Choice One pen in our pockets, a few of us carry (or in some cases don’t carry…) more distinctive items:

  • Dane Sommer keeps two pennies from the year he was born in his pocket for good luck.
  • Brian Barhorst has old 50/50 tickets. He says he never wins, but we know better—he just doesn’t want to buy us all lunch.
  • Andy Shuman keeps pepperoni and cheese in his pocket. His Hot Pocket, that is.
  • Kaye Borchers doesn’t keep spare change, although she clearly should. Dane, do you have a couple of cents (or sense?) she could borrow


Bruce, thanks for so kindly sympathizing with Jeff on the lack of personal storage space. Pocket or not, however, let’s make sure that pen you carry is one of those snazzy, blue-ink-only types. We’ll have Jeff drop one off if he remembers to tuck an extra in his… padfolio.

P.S. If you haven’t submitted your team for the Sidney Charity Cup, sign up before the March 1 deadline!