27 Oct You Name It!
Troy Niese:
“I’m in the market for a nickname… every time someone talks about the City of Troy, I answer.”

Design engineer Troy Niese joined the Choice One crew in June 2017. Since that time, we’ve been confusing him (probably hourly, prompting him to pop over his cube wall in response) when we talk about projects we’re working on in and for the City of Troy, Ohio.
The problem with Troy’s request is that assigned nicknames rarely stick. Instead, nicknames seem to happen spontaneously. Moreover, if you work at Choice One, your nickname likely comes from some act of unusualness, clumsiness, or embarrassing yourself, so they’re not exactly a compliment. (Indeed, how Kaye hasn’t become “Beggar,” or Jeff Kunk “Scrooge McDoughnut,” is a mystery…)
Give it time, Troy. We’ll eventually have a motive to give you a new title when you fall down, spill, or generally act like Ryan Francis. Until then, be honored to be known by the same name as the city whose quick-witted staff once gave Jeff Puthoff a very appropriate nickname.