Tipping Point

Tipping Point

Kyle Siegrist:
“Have to pay for the beer Choice One will drink at my wedding somehow…”

CAD Designer Kyle Siegrist is getting married in August, and he’s understandably concerned about keeping the Choice One crew happy at the wedding reception. Lucky for Kyle, he can capitalize on sitting in the current most valuable seat in the Sidney office: next to the window where thrilling office expansion-related sanitary work and gravel backfilling can be watched (…a kind of thrill only civil engineers could love).

Smart move, Kyle, collecting quarters in exchange for a construction look-see. And to think, it only took you two years at Choice One to follow in the footsteps of your fellow capitalist coworkers. Kudos on following in the footsteps of someone like Brian “Barney” Barhorst, who operates the Canteen solely to fund his personal travel. But you still have a long way to go to outshine Kaye, who talked her local county engineers into a personal loan.

Kyle, we hope you’re able to save up a few extra dollars for your wedding for dealing with all of us looky-loos over the next few months. We especially hope you get a few contributions considering your window is probably more popular than you are right now—at least until you buy us all beer at your wedding, that is.