04 Nov Stacking Up
Nick Selhorst:
“Buckets are here!”

Our Loveland Choice One Charity Cup is back, and Nick Selhorst couldn’t be more excited! He also couldn’t be more efficient, as he clearly didn’t want to make more than one trip to his car to haul in all the buckets needed to play our annual Charity Cup Bucketball Tournament.
The only thing more impressive than Nick’s giant stack of buckets? The generosity of our clients and friends, who donated over $19,450 to Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank. Wow! We can’t even think of words to describe our appreciation except THANK YOU! We continue to be blown away by the support and kindness of our friends who support this great cause. (And “blown away” is better than “blown over” in Nick’s bucket-carrying case, for sure!)
Believe it or not, despite Nick’s typical clumsiness, no buckets were dropped in the making of this Mindset. Nick’s luck did run out, however. The winner of the 2021 Loveland Charity Cup was not Nick’s team, but rather the team from CTL Engineering (l-r Dave Rowland, Doug Batt, COEC’s Jacqui Lohman, and Billy Tegge). Congrats to CTL and thanks again to all who participated!