Not His Type

Not His Type

Lexy Yohey:
“I don’t think that is how a keyboard works.”

Is Loveland survey coordinator Jesse Waggoner cleaning out his keyboard? Banging his head against it? Hoping he can use mind power to make words appear on the screen? We’re not really sure, but what we do know, as Lexy pointed out, he’s probably not going to get far with his keyboard in this position.


Perhaps Jesse’s expressing feelings of inefficiency—he only has three monitors, and we know his Sidney counterpart Ryan Francis thinks he needs four. Then again, maybe he’s celebrating a win during a made-up Choice One sporting challenge (perhaps involving typing?) by hoisting the keyboard up like a trophy. Possibly, he’s working on his telekinesis, trying to make the keyboard levitate (in hopes he can someday read minds to finally understand field surveyor Frizz…).


Whether he’s imitating a hardcore rock star like Jimi Hendrix, “playing” the keyboard with his teeth or using the keyboard to shield his eyes from our bright lights, we figure Jesse has a purpose. We just hope it doesn’t involve bad luck—that’s the one Ryan Francis characteristic we don’t need Jesse to adopt!