Immediate Expert

Immediate Expert

Zach Borchers:
“Once you do it once, you’re the expert.”

We have a joke here at Choice One that if you do something well on your first try, you are the official company expert. So when Zach did a fine job taking care of a couple of dead birds the other week, he knew he was “doomed” to a lifetime career of roadkill cleanup.
What other resident experts do we have here? Let’s see…
  • Jake Bertke is our best water modeler (and not just because he uses sound engineering on water system analysis).
  • Same goes for Casey Reichert and her ability to model sanitary sewers quite beautifully.
  • Adam Gill is a whiz at traffic safety studies. Perhaps he should share the wealth to help others with some physical self-safety practices.
  • Brian Schmidt is an expert plan reviewer. He also has a knack for “reviewing” all snacks whenever a taste-test “review” is needed.
  • Megan Bornhorst is the expert at spelling Dan Perreira’s last name. Except when she’s not.
What instantaneous expert talent will be discovered next? Who knows? Perhaps we’ll discover someone who can actually hook up a coffee machine right the first time or can pronounce “Goettemoeller” or “Goubeaux” on the first try. Until then, Zach will be our expert at being the newest expert.