Nurturing Nature

Nurturing Nature

Matt Hoying: “We went from barely keeping one plant alive to now having two.”


Despite all the green around here, not all of us have green thumbs. While many of us garden and farm outside the office, the peace lily inside the Sidney office had seen better days. Until recently.

Indeed, we have a history of neglecting plants here at Choice One. This latest victim would wilt from lack of water, then be overwatered, then dry up again. Thankfully, Jacqui Lohman guilted… er, encouraged… Megan Bornhorst to nurse the plant back to life. The nursing process may have required some “thoughtful pruning” (which graphic designer Sammy Kuck observed as “hacking”), splitting, and repotting, but we’ve often enjoyed the “benefits” of a sudden, unexpected shock around here from time to time, and we hope this plant experiences similar increased vitality in its suddenly surprising cared for state.

Thanks to Jacqui’s efforts and Megan’s guilt, the plant has been revived. Soon one half of the newly thriving plant will head to Loveland, so all the peace (and plant life-sustaining responsibility) may be shared. Will we be able to keep TWO plants alive? We’ll assume that to be another thrilling surprise!