Duly Noted

Duly Noted

Kyle Siegrist:
“Yes, I do keep a chart of when I stand up and sit down at my adjustable desk.”


Why Kyle keeps track of the number of times he stands at his current adjustable-height desk is a murky, mythical legend at Choice One. There was something about Allen Bertke asking for a stand-up desk and Kyle nobly relinquishing his stand-up desk to Allen in an act of tremendous generosity. Then Allen “allegedly” never using the stand-up feature and Kyle becoming bitter and something, something, something…

Kyle’s stand-up/sit-down log shouldn’t be a surprise. If you haven’t noticed, we like to keep track of irrelevant things out of spite. Like the number of times Jeff Kunk has bought doughnuts (0), the number of times Nick Selhorst has spilled his drink (54), and the number of times we’ve told Jeff Puthoff he’s old (officially 7—as recorded by Lexy’s calendar—but in actuality more like millions).

If we’re keeping track of things, we have to count the number of times Kyle has frowned at Allen (just over the wall in the photo) about his desk/seat/everything (2,190), which is statistically more than Kyle has actually used his stand-up desk. Kyle, you don’t have to prove your worth to us with charts and logs: we love ya no matter how many times you whine about… er, use the stand-up desk.