Wish You Were Here

Wish You Were Here

Eric Kuck:
“We found this postcard in the binder of hotel information. We HAD to send it.”

It was just an ordinary Thursday afternoon at Choice One , and suddenly, out of the green, a thrilling piece of correspondence arrived via the US Postal Service. Pictured above, for the world to behold, is what we received: a beautiful, handwritten, “wish you were here” postcard from abroad. Ok, from Ontario… Ohio.

Choice One surveyors Eric Kuck, Craig Frilling, and Kole Egbert traveled to Ontario (near Mansfield) for a few days to perform an extensive topographic survey for an upcoming school site design project. Believe it or not, they thought of all of us back here at the office while they were out seeing the world! How generous of them to remember their warm, dry colleagues while they were touring the muddy countryside, staying in a plush Hampton Inn, and eating at exotic restaurants like Red Lobster and Olive Garden. And—the true sensation here—can you believe they had a stamp?!

Eric, Craig, and Kole, we so appreciate you thinking of all of us back at the office while you’re out seeing the world (or at least the sites of Richland County). Thank you for taking time away from home to take care of that survey, too. We hope the mud was only knee deep, the Hampton’s pillows weren’t lumpy, and the unlimited cheddar bay biscuits and breadsticks filled you up!