Pit Stop

Pit Stop

Jacqueline Huelskamp:
“Nothing like working in someone’s armpit.”

Meet Jacqueline Huelskamp, a landscape architect, hobby photographer, and our newest employee. She started less than two weeks ago, and already we’re asking her to take on a rather daunting task: edit engineer Jake Bertke’s photo for the company Christmas card. Cross your fingers that she doesn’t run screaming from Choice One because of this initial task—we’d like to keep her around!

We don’t always give newbies such challenges in their first two weeks, but we do require a few things of a new hire at Choice One. Naturally, they must look good in green. They have to learn the difference among all the Jeffs, Brians, Ryans, etc. And they have to agree to be in a Mindset, even if it’s without much real choice. (So far, so good, Jacqueline. Just don’t forget to buy doughnuts with your first paycheck.)

Jake may be our resident “water model,” but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s simple to Photoshop. We’re sorry for the taxing task in your first days as a Choice Oner, Jacqueline, and hope that future tasks involve more plantings and greenspace and less… armpits.