Green Friday

Green Friday

Mike Goettemoeller:
“Thanksgiving is a compilation of my favorite hobbies: playing cards, eating food, drinking beer, taking naps, and watching football.”


Gobble gobble! Choice One’s offices are closed today, but it’s not due just to a Thanksgiving-induced food coma. We heard there was a Black Friday deal on traffic counters, so we’re all in line trying to keep some of our noisiest (i.e. traffic) engineers here happy.

Still, we didn’t want to miss this opportunity to thank you for a few things:

  • Thanks for telling us you like the color green, even if you don’t mean it.
  • Thanks for humoring the aforementioned traffic engineers (including Mike G.) when they drone on and on about signal warrants, opening design years, roundabouts, etc., etc.
  • Thanks for reading these Mindsets. We appreciate that you’re willing to participate in our bi-weekly attempts to embarrass ourselves.
All joking aside, it’s a great time of year to say thanks. From the bottom of our [green] hearts, thanks for allowing us to be a part of your municipality, business, and community. It seems obvious to say that Choice One wouldn’t existing without our fantastic clients and friends, but it’s true, and for that we are grateful. Thank you for providing us with opportunities every day to experience engineering and surveying full of enjoyment, friendship, and laughter. (And if you ask, we’ll watch football and drink beer with you, too!)