September 2016

Inquiring Mindsets want to know: "What feat might get you into the Guinness Book of World Records?" Brian Goubeaux, Designer "Hairiest legs.” (Although we think number of kidneys [three] might be some kind of record, too.) Matt Hoying, Project Manager "The most unnecessarily long excel equation."  Brian Schmidt, Project Manager "Number of...

Jeff Puthoff: “I think we should require every employee to get a new Choice One logo tattoo. That’s real ‘branding.’” Coming to a green shirt near you: the new Choice One logo! Our awesomely talented graphic designer Kecia (above, with Jeff) has been working to update our...

Megan Bornhorst: “I don’t know what’s more exciting: Tony cleaning his office, or the new refrigerator?” This week, Tony has been busy straightening up his office with a thorough cleaning. The commotion has drawn most of us in to chuckle at hairstyles in old photos, kid Tony...